Undocumented Features - pc2ccs/pc2v9 GitHub Wiki

This article describes undocumented features in PC2v9 that have been used for development and debugging purposes.

Add Sites for local testing

Purpose: to quickly add multiple sites, with default attributes, to a contest.

Location: Server GUI, Sites tab.

Action: Shift-Click on the button pane.

Result: Will add new sites with joe passwords and a port.

Example of sites that would be added:

1 localhost:50002 site1
2 localhost:51002 site2
3 localhost:52002 site3
4 localhost:53002 site4
5 localhost:54002 site5

Show Packet Monitor

The Packet Monitor Frame adds a row for every incoming packet.

Location: Server GUI, Options tab.

Action: Ctrl-Double-Click on Options pane.

Result: shows Packet Monitor Frame, which gets updated every time a new Packet arrives at or is sent from the Server.

Auto populate run submission

Location: Submit Run tab (Team).

Action: Shift-DoubleClick in Main File label/pane.

Result: Will set Problem to Sumit, Language to Java and select samps/src/Sumit.java as the Main file to be submitted.

If problem, lang, etc. are not defined then the fields will not change.

Login expansions/abbreviations/shortcuts

This feature provides the ability to login using a variety of shortcuts for login names. For example, normally a Team logs in using the account name teamX, where X is their team number (for example, team12). The system supports a shortcut form of this: entering just the X value (e.g. "12") will automatically be expanded to "team12".

Note that the use of account name shortcuts to login in no way circumvents normal security; users must still provide the correct account password (unless the system has been configured to accept "joe passwords" -- that is, where the password is the same as the account name -- which is a bad way to configure your contest...).

The following shortcut login expansions are supported. The notation <N> represents a Number.

Login name Expands To
t team1
t<N> team<N>
<N> team<N>
j<N> judge<N>
s server1
site<N> server<N>
a<N> administrator<N>
root administrator1
r administrator1
b<N> scoreboard<N>
board<N> scoreboard<N>
ef<N> feeder<N>
eventfeed<N> feeder<N>

Note that if no password is specified on login that the loginname will be used as a password (i.e. the system defaults to using "joe passwords"). We do not recommend configuring your contest like this!!

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