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JQuery DataTables Data Manager

JQuery Data Manager plugin enhances standard HTML table by adding the following data management functionalities:

  • adding new records to the table
  • selecting and deleting records
  • editing cells

Look of the HTML table when JQuery DataTables Data Manager plugin is applied is shown below:

There are standard navigation functionalities such as pagination, ordering, filtering by keyword, changing the number of items that should be shown per page. All these functionalities are added by the JQuery http://datatables.net plugin. In addition JQuery DataTables Data Manager plugin add ability to add new record, select and delete record and edit the cells inline as shown in the figure. This plugin integrates several plugins such as JQuery DataTables, JQuery Editable, JQuery Validation plugins and implement common data management functionalities.

All required processing is encapsulated within the plugin, and only required implementation is a server-side code that accepts add, update and delete requests. Server-side code can be implemented in any language (PHP, ASP.NET/C#, Java) as long as plugin interface requirements are met.

How to use it??

Take the latest version of plugin 2.3.3 and include it with DataTebles plugin in your page. See online examples to find how to configure it. You can find documentation on the wiki pages.

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