Enchantments - paulevsGitch/BetterNether GitHub Wiki

BetterNether adds some unique enchantments to the game. These enchantments are automatically applied when crafting special Nether gear and cannot be obtained any other way.

Ruby Fire

Ruby Fire is an enchantment that is only available on ruby tools or armor. It has different effects depending on the item. A Ruby Fire enchantment cannot be traded or found. It is a curse that is automatically added to any ruby equipment.

  • Tools: If an ore-block is mined with the tool, it will automatically be smelted. So instead of getting a lump of iron, it will automatically create an iron-ingot.
  • Sword: Has a chance to deal additional damage, apply knockback or flames.
  • Armor: With a certain chance, damage is dealt to an attacker, or knockback and flames are applied.

Obsidian Breaker

Is applied to BetterNether Pickaxes and (especially on level 3) increases the mining speed for obsidian Blocks. The enchantment can not be traded or found. It is automatically added to newly crafted pickaxes.