Import TMB Data - papa-smurf/Gargul GitHub Wiki

Gargul allows you to add item character prio's, wishlist details and item priority notes to the tooltips of items:

Wishlist Tooltip

In order to set this up you first need to export and copy the data from by logging in and navigating to Guild > Export in the main navigation (make sure you have the required / officer privileges, contact your GM if unsure).

Scroll down to the Gargul section

Gargul Section

and click the "Downloads" button. Make sure to select everything (use ctrl+a just to be sure), copy the data and paste it in the Gargul import window that you can conjure up by using one of the following slash commands:

/gl thatsmybis
/gl tmb
/gl wl

After pasting the TMB data in the import window make sure to click the "Import" button before you close it.

TMB data will now be shown on all items and will be announced when loot drops (assuming you're the master looter). Keep in mind that you will only see names of those who are actually in your raid at the moment unless specified otherwise in the Settings