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Prologue Part 1 - Cuneiform - Law Code of Hammurabi
Different grammar to codex: verbs leading!
Prologue 1 / 22 𒉌𒉡 𒀭 𒍣𒊒𒌝 𒈗 𒀭𒀀𒉣𒈾𒆠 𒀭𒂗𒇸 𒁁𒂖 𒊭𒈨𒂊 𒅇 𒅕𒍣𒁴 𒊭𒄿𒅎 𒅆𒈠𒀜 𒌦 𒀀𒈾 𒀭𒀫𒌓 𒌉𒊑 𒌍𒋾𒅎 𒊭 𒀭𒂗𒆠 𒀭𒂗𒌓 𒄊 𒉌𒆥 𒄿𒅆𒈬𒋳
(N)i-nu AN ṣi-ru-um šar ilu.A-nun-na-ki ilu.EN.LIL be-el ša-me-e u ir-ṣi-tim ša-i-im ši-ma-at mâtim a-na ilu.Marduk mâr+ri-eš-ti-im ša ilu.EN.KI ilu.bêlu-ut kiššat ni-ši(g) i-ši-mu šum
There was a time when exalted Anu, the king of the Anunnaki, and Enlil, the lord of heaven and earth, who determines the destinies of the nation, determined that Marduk, the first son born to Ea, should govern all the peoples of the world.
īnu Anum, ṣīrum, šar Anunnakī, Ellil, bēl šamê u erṣetim šāʾim šīmāt mātim, ana Marduk, mārim rēštîm ša Ea, ellilūt2 kiššat nišī išīmūšum.
Prologue 2 / 22
𒅔 𒄿𒄀𒄀 𒌑𒊬𒁁𒌑 𒋗 𒆍𒀭𒊏𒆠 𒋳𒋗 𒍢𒊏𒄠 𒅁𒁉𒌑 𒅔 𒆠𒅁𒊏𒁴 𒌑𒊭𒋼𒊒 𒋗 𒄿𒈾 𒇷𒅁𒁉 𒋗 𒊬𒊒𒌓 𒁕𒌓 𒊭 𒆠𒈠 𒊭𒈨𒂊 𒌑 𒅕𒍣𒁴 𒅖𒁕𒊭 𒋗𒌨𒋗𒁕 𒌑𒆠𒅔𒉡𒋳
in I-gi-gi u-šar-be-u šu KA.DINGIR.RA.KI šum šu ṣi-ra-am ib-bi-u in ki-ib-ra-tim u-ša-te-ru šu i-na li-ib-bi šu šar-ru-tam dârî-tam ša ki-ma ša-me-e u ir-ṣi-tim iš-da-ša šu-ur-šu-da u-ki-in-nu šum
They exalted him among among [sic] the Igigi, and gave Babylon its illustrious name, and made it pre-eminent throughout the earth; with its foundations as secure as heaven and earth, they established for him an everlasting reign within it.
in Igigī ušarbiūšu, Bābilam šumšu ṣīram ibbiū, in kibrātim ušāterūšu, ina libbišu šarrūtam dārītam ša kima šamê u erṣetim išdāša šuršudā ukinnūšum
Prologue 3 / 22 𒄿𒉡𒈪 𒋗 𒄩𒄠𒈬𒊏𒁉 𒊒𒁀𒄠 𒈾𒄴𒁮 𒉺𒇷𒄴 𒉌𒉌 𒅀𒋾 𒈪𒊭𒊏𒄠 𒄿𒈾 𒈠𒁴 𒀀𒈾 𒋗𒁉𒄿𒅎 𒊏𒂵𒄠 𒌑 𒍣𒉆 𒀀𒈾 𒄷𒌌𒇻⫻𒆠𒅎 𒆗𒉡𒌝 𒂗𒊭𒄠 𒀀𒈾 𒆷 𒄩𒁀⫻𒇷𒅎 𒆠𒈠 𒀭𒌓 𒀀𒈾 𒊕𒍼 𒉿𒅆𒂊𒅎 𒈠 𒌦 𒉡𒉿𒊑𒅎 𒀭 𒌑 𒀭𒂗𒇸 𒀀𒈾 𒅆𒅕 𒉌𒅆 𒌅𒁾𒁉𒅎 𒋗𒈪 𒅁𒁍𒌑
ʷi-nu-mi šu Ḫa-am-mu-ra-bi ru-ba-am na-Aʾ-dam pa-li-iḫ ili? ia-ti mi-ša-ra-am i-na ma-tim a-na šu-bi-i-im ra-ga-am u ṣi-nam a-na ḫu-ul-lu-b.ḳi-im dan-nu-um en-ša-am a-na la ḫ ki-ma ilu.Šamâs a-na SAG.GIG ʳwa-š matim nu-wu-ri-im AN u ilu.EN-LIL a-na ši-ir ni-ši tu-tub-bi-im šu-mi ib-bu-u
When they [Anu and Enlil ordained] Hammurabi, a devout prince who fears the gods, to demonstrate justice within the land, to destroy evil and wickedness, to stop the mighty exploiting the weak, to rise like Shamash over the mass of humanity, illuminating the land; Anu and Enlil ordained me, to improve the welfare of my people.
inūmišu Ḫammurabi, rubâm na'dam, pāliḫ ilī, iâti mīšaram ina mātim ana šūpîm, raggam u ṣēnam ana ḫulluqim, dannum enšam ana la ḫabālim, kīma Šamaš ana ṣalmāt qaqqadim wasêmma mātim nuwwurim, Anum u Ellil ana šīr nišī ṭubbim šumī ibbû
Prologue 4 / 22 𒄩𒄠𒈬𒊏𒁉𒊑𒄿𒀀𒌝𒉌𒁉𒀉𒀭𒂗𒇸𒁀𒈾𒆪𒈬𒃵𒈨𒅕𒉡𒄴𒅆𒅎𒌑𒌅𒄴𒁲𒅎𒈬𒊭𒀝𒇷𒀧𒈪𒅎𒈠𒋳𒋗𒀀𒈾𒂗𒇸𒆠𒄙𒀭𒆠𒍝𒉌𒉡𒌝𒈾𒁺𒌝𒊭𒂍𒆳
Ḫa-am-mu-ra-bi ri-i-a-um ni-bi-it ilu.EN.LIL ba-na-ku mu-gam-me-ir nu-uḫ-ši-im u tu-uḫ-di-im mu-ša-ak-li-il mi-im-ma šum šu ana EN.LIL.KI Dur-ilu-KI za-ni-nu-um na-'-du-um ša Ê.KUR
Ḫammurabi rē'ûm, nibīt Ellil, anāku mukammer nuḫšim u ṭuḫdim mušaklil mimma šumšu ana Nippur. markas šamê erṣetim. zāninum na'dum ša Ekur.
I am Hammurabi, Enlil's chosen shepherd who heaps up plenty and abundance supplying Nippur, where earth and heaven meet, with whatever it needs, the devoted provider for Ekur.
Prologue 5 / 22 𒊬𒇷𒄿𒀀𒌝𒈬𒋼𒅕𒌷𒉣𒆠𒀀𒈾𒀸𒊑𒋗𒈬𒌒𒁉𒅁?𒂍𒅗𒀊𒋾𒄿𒅁𒆠𒅁𒊏𒀜𒅕𒁉𒁴𒈬𒊬𒁁𒍥𒅅𒊒𒅗𒀭𒊏𒆠𒈬𒋾𒅁𒇷𒅁𒁉𒀭𒀫𒌓𒁁𒇷𒋗𒊭𒈪𒋗𒄑𒍝𒅗𒀀𒈾𒂍𒊕𒅍𒆷
šarrum li-i-a-um mu-te-ir alu.NUN.KI a-na aš-ri šu mu-ub-bi-ib šuluḫ Ê.ZU.AB ti-i-ib ki-ib-ra-at ir-bi-tim mu-šar-be zi-ik-ru KA.DINGIR.RA.KI mu-ti-ib li-ib-bi ilu.Marduk be-li šu ša ûmi šu iz-za-zu a-na Esagila
šarrum lē'ûm, mutēr Eridu aba ašrišu, mubbib šuluḫ Eabzu, tīb kibrāt erbettim, mušarbi zikru Bābilim, mutīb libbi Marduk bēlišu, ša ūmīšu* izzazzu ana Esagil
I am the powerful king, who restored the site of Eridu, who purified worship in Eabzu, who marched in every corner of the world, who made the name of Babylon famous, who made the heart of Marduk his lord happy, who atttended Esagila at the proper time.
Prologue 6 / 22 𒆰𒊬𒊒𒁴𒊭𒀭𒂗𒅗𒅁𒉌𒌑𒋗𒈬𒈾𒄴𒄭𒅖𒌷𒋀𒀊𒆠𒉿𒀸𒊒𒌝𒈬𒍑𒋼𒈪𒄣𒁀𒉈?𒀀𒈾𒂍𒄊𒉡𒃲
zêr šar-ru-tim ša ilu.EN.ZU ib-ni-u šu mu-na-aḫ-ḫi-iš alu.ŠIŠ.AB.KI wa-aš-ru-um mu-uš-te-mi-ḳum ba-bil ḫegallim a-na Ê.NER.NU.GAL
zēr šarrūtim, ša Sîn ibniušu munaḫḫiš Urim, wašrum muštēmiqum, bābil ḫegallim ana Egišnugal.
I am a descendant of the royal line, one whom Sin created, who made Ur prosper, the humble and clever one, who brought prosperity to Ekishnugal.
Prologue 7 / 22 𒈗 𒋫𒅆𒅎𒁴 𒊺𒈬 𒀭𒌓 ? 𒈬𒆠𒅔 𒍑 𒌓𒄒𒉣𒆠 𒈬𒊭𒀠𒁉𒅖 𒉿𒅈𒆠𒅎 𒄀𒄖𒉈𒂊 𒀭𒀀𒀀 𒈬𒍢𒅕 𒂍 𒂊𒌓𒊏 𒊭 𒆠 𒋗𒁀𒀜 𒊭𒈠𒄿
šar ta-ši-im-tim še-mu ilu.Šamaš dannim išid UD.KIB.NUN.KI mu.ša-al-bi-iš wa-ar-ki-im gi-gu-ne-e ilu.A.A mu.ṣi-ir bît E-babbar-ra ša ki šu-ba-at ša-ma-i
[I am a] prudent king, who listens obediently to Shamash, who powerfully fixes the foundations of Sippar, who covers the chapels of Aya with greenery, who exalts the shrine of Ebabbar to look like a home in heaven.
šar tašīmtim, šēmû Šamaš dannum, mukīn išdī Sippar mušalbiš warqim gigunē Aya, muṣir bīt Ebabbar ša kî šubat šamā'i.
Prologue 8 / 22
𒌨𒊕 𒂵𒈪𒀧 𒌓𒋼𒀕𒆠
𒈬𒌓𒁲𒅖 𒂊𒌓𒊏
𒀀𒈾 𒀭𒌓 𒊑𒍢𒋗 𒁁𒈝
𒈬𒁀𒇷𒀉 𒋼𒀕𒆠
𒊭𒆠𒅔 𒈨𒂊 𒉡𒄴𒅆𒅎 𒀀𒈾 𒉌𒅆𒋗
𒈬𒌌𒇷 𒊑𒌍 𒂍𒀭
𒈬𒃵𒈨𒅕 𒄭𒄑𒁉𒅎 𒀀𒈾 𒀭𒉏 𒅇 𒀭𒈹
𒀭𒅗 𒈠𒁴
𒈬𒉺𒄴𒄭𒅕 𒉌𒅆 𒊓𒀊𒄩𒁴 𒊭 𒉌𒋛𒅔𒆠
𒈬𒁕𒄴𒄭𒀉 𒉡𒄴𒅆𒅎 𒂍 𒂍𒃲𒈤
ur-saĝ ga-mi-il UD.UNU.KI mu.ud-di-iš E-babbar-ra a-na ilu.Šamaš ri-ṣi šu be-lumṭ UNU.KI ša-ki-in me-e nu-uḫ-ši-im a-na ni-ši šu mu.ul-li ri-eš Eanna mu.gam-me-ir ḫi-iz-bi-im a-na ilu.Anu u ilu.Nanâ ṣalûl ma-timḫ-ḫi-ir ni-ši sa-ap-ḫa-tim ša Ì.SI.IN.KI mu.da-aḫ-ḫi-id nu-uḫ-ši-im bît Ê.GAL.MAḪ
I am a hero, who shows favour to Larsa, who makes Ebabbar anew for Shamash his helper, the lord, who makes Uruk come alive, and secures plentiful supplies of water for its people, who raises up high the pinnacles of Eanna, who heaps up luxury for Anu and Ishtar; a shade for the land, who gathers together the scattered people of Isin, who spreads riches in the shrine of Egalmah.
garrādum, gāmil Larsa muddiš Ebabbar, ana Šamaš rēṣišu bēlum, muballiṭ Uruk šākin mê nuḫšim ana nišīšu mullî rēš Eanna, mukammer ḫiṣbim ana Anim u Ištar ṣulūl mātim mupaḫḫir nišī sapḫātim ša Isin muṭaẖḫid nuḫšim bīt Egalmaḫ.
Prologue 9 / 22 𒃲𒍘 𒈗𒌷 𒋫𒇷𒅎 𒀭𒍝𒈠𒈠 𒈬𒊬𒅆𒀉 𒋗𒁀𒀜 𒌷𒄊𒆠 𒈬𒍑𒋫𒀸𒄭𒅕 𒈨𒇷𒅎𒈪 𒂍𒈨𒋼𒌨𒊕 𒈬𒍑𒋼𒄑𒁉 𒉺𒅈𒍥 𒊏𒁍𒌑𒁴 𒊭 𒀭𒈹 𒉺𒆠𒀉 𒁉𒁴 𒄯𒊕𒌦𒈠
GAL.ušum LUGAL.URU ta-li-im ilu.ZA.MA(L).MA(L) mu.šar-ši-id šu-ba-at alu.NER.KI mu.uš-ta-aš-ḫi-ir me-li-im-mi Ê.ME.TE.UR.SAG mu.uš-te-iṣ-bi pa-ar-zi ra-bu-u-tim ša ilu.Nanâ pa-ki-id bi-tim Ḫ
I am the most fearsome of kings, the kinsman of Zababa, who establishes Kish as a residence, who makes Emeteursag shine on every side, who organizes the magnificent rituals for Ishtar, and the guardian of the temple of Hursagkalamma.
ušumgal šarrī, talīm Zababa mušaršid šubat Kiš, muštasḫir melemmē Emeteursag mušteṣbî parṣī rabûtim ša Ištar, pāqid bītim Ḫursagkalamma
Prologue 10 / 22 𒂍 𒆦 𒈾𒆠𒊑 𒊭 𒍑𒊏 𒊒𒋗 𒌑𒊭𒀝𒅆𒁺 𒉌𒅖𒈠𒅗 𒈬𒊭𒋼𒅕 𒌷𒈜𒁆 𒃮𒀀𒆠 𒈬𒊏𒀊𒁉𒅖 𒈪𒅎𒈠 𒋳𒋗 𒀀𒈾 𒋃𒇴 𒊑𒈬𒌝 𒅗𒀜𒊒𒌝 𒈬𒈾𒀝𒆠𒅁 𒍝𒄿𒊑 𒈾𒊏𒄠 𒌅𒌅 𒈬𒊑𒅖 𒌷𒁇𒍥𒁀𒆠
bît kisal na-ki-ri ša nit-ra-ru šu u-ša-ak-ši-du ni-is-ma-zu mu.ša-te-ir alu.TIG.GAB.A.KI mu.ra-ab-bi-iš mi-im-ma šum šu a-na ŠID.LAM ri-mu-um ka-at-ru-um za-i-ri na-ra-am TU.TU mu.ri-iš alu.Bar-zi-ba.KI
I am the net that traps the enemy, the one with Erra as his friend. who allowed him to achieve his ambition, the one who extended Kutû, and enlarged E-Meslam in different ways. I am a ranging ox that tosses his opponent, the one whom Tutu loves, and who makes Borsippa rejoice,
sapar nakirī, ša Erra rūšu, ušakšidu nizmassu mušāter Kutî, murappiš mimma šumšu ana Meslam rīmum kadrum, munakkip zā'irī narām Tutu, murīš Barsippa
Prologue 11 / 22 𒈾𒄴𒁺𒌝 𒆷 𒈬𒌒𒉺𒁇𒆪𒌑𒌝 𒀀𒈾 𒂍𒍥𒁕 𒄿𒇻 𒈗𒌷 𒈬𒁲 𒅆𒃲𒅎 𒈬𒊭𒀜𒁲𒀧 𒈨𒊑𒌍𒁴 𒊭 𒀸𒁁𒆠 𒈬𒂵𒅈𒊑𒅔 𒄦𒄦 𒀀𒈾 𒀭𒅁 𒂵𒀸𒊑𒅎
na-'-du-um la mu-up-pa-bar-ku-u-um a-na Ê.ZI.DA i-lu LUGAL.URU mu.di igi-gal-im mu.ša-ad-di-il me-ri-eš-tim ša DIL.BAT.KI karê a-na ilu.Uraš(?) ga-aš-ri-im
the devoted one who never neglects Ezida. I am the god of the kings, possessing deep wisdom, who develops land to be ploughed in Dilbat, who fills up the granaries for mighty Urash;
na'dum, la mupparkûm ana Ezida ilu. šarrī, mudē igigallim mušaddil mēreštim ša* Dilbat, mugarrin karê ana Uraš gašrim
Prologue 12 / 22 𒁁𒈝 𒍥𒈠𒀜 𒄩𒀜𒋾𒅎 𒅇 𒀀𒄀𒅎 𒊭 𒌑𒊭𒀝𒇷𒇻𒋗 𒂊𒊑𒅖𒌈 𒀭𒈠𒈠 𒈬𒆠𒅔 𒌑𒅗𒊏𒁴 𒊭 𒆧𒆠 𒈬𒁲𒌍𒅆 𒈠𒅗𒇷 𒂗𒇻𒁴 𒀀𒈾 𒀭𒎏𒌅
be-lum zi-ma-at ḫa-aṭ-ṭi-im u a-gi-im ša u-ša-ak-bli-lu šu e-ri-iš-tum ilu.MA.MA u-zu-ra-tim ša KIŠ.KI mu-di-eš-ši ma-ka-li el-lu-tim a-na ilu.NIN.TU
bēlum, simat ḫaṭṭim u agêm ša ušaklilušu erištum Mama mukīn uṣurātim ša Keš mudešši mākalī ellūtim ana Nintu
the lord with symbolic crown and sceptre, which Mama the wise goddess completed for him, who brought the plans for Kesh to fulfillment, who established the sacred food for Nintu;
Prologue 13 / 22 𒈬𒍑𒋫𒈝 𒄀𒀉𒈠𒈝 𒊭𒄿𒅎 𒈪𒊑𒁴 𒅇 𒈠𒀸𒆠𒁴 𒀀𒈾 𒋓𒁓𒆷𒆠 𒅇 𒄫𒋢𒆠 𒈬𒆠𒀧 𒉌𒅔𒁕𒁉𒂊 𒊏𒁍𒁴 𒀀𒈾 𒂍𒐐 𒈬𒌓𒈨𒄴 𒀀𒀀𒁉 𒈪𒄀𒅕 𒋼𒇷𒁴 𒈬𒊭𒀝𒇷𒀧 𒋼𒊑𒁴 𒊭 𒅕𒊑𒋼𒀕𒆠 𒈬𒄩𒀜𒁲 𒇷𒅁𒁉 𒄑𒁯
mu-uš-ta-lum gi-it-ma-lum ša-i-im mi-ri-tim u ma-aš-ki-tim a-na ŠIR-PUR.LA-KIᶴ u GIR.SU.KI ni-in-da-bi-e ra-bu-tim a-na Ê.50 mu.tam-me-iḫ a-a-bi mi-gi-ir te-li-tim mu.ša-ak-li-il te-ri-tim ša ṢA.RI.UNU.KI mu.ḫa-ad-di li-ib-bi GIŠ.DAR
the perfect arbitrator, who designates pastures and the watering places for Lagash and Girsu, who sends magnificent food offerings to Eninnu, who grasps hold of the enemy; the darling of Tellitum, who fulfils the oracles for Sugal, the one who makes the heart of Ishtar rejoice.
muštālum gitmālum, šā'im mirītim u mašqītim ana Lagaš u Giršîm mukīl nindabê rabûtim ana Eninnu, mutammeḫ ayyābī, migir Telītim mušaklil tērētim ša* Sugal muḫaddi libbi Ištar.
Prologue 14 / 22 𒊒𒁍𒌝 𒂖𒈝 𒊭 𒉌𒅖 𒂵𒋾 𒋗 𒀭𒅎 𒄿𒁺𒌑 𒈬𒉈𒄴 𒇷𒅁𒁉 𒀭𒅎 𒆪𒊏𒁲𒅎 𒄿𒈾 𒌷𒅎𒆠 𒈬𒍑𒋫𒀝𒆠𒅔 𒍥𒈠𒁴 𒄿𒈾 𒂊𒌓𒃲𒃲
ru-bu-um el-lum ša ni-iš ga-ti šu ilu.Adad i-du-u mu-ne-iḫ li-ib-bi ilu.Adad ku-ra-di-im i-na alu.IM.KI mu-uš-ta-ak-ki-in zi-ma-tim i-na E.UD.GAL.GAL
I am the sacred prince, whose raised hand Adad acknowledges, who quietens the heart of Adad as he fights in Bit Karkara, who maintains the ceremonials properly in E-udgalgal.
rubûm ellum, ša nīš qātišu Adad idû munēḫ libbi Adad qurādim in Bīt Karkara muštakkin simātim ina Eudgalgal
Prologue 15 / 22 𒊬 𒈾𒁲𒅔 𒈾𒁉𒅖𒁴 𒀀𒈾 𒌓𒉣𒆠 𒀀𒊺𒅕 𒂍 𒂊𒈤 𒂊𒋼𒂖 𒈗𒌷 𒂵𒁀𒀠 𒆷 𒈠𒄩𒊑𒅎 𒋗 𒄿𒆠𒋗 𒈾𒀊𒊭𒌓 𒀀𒈾 𒌷𒈦𒃶𒉺𒀠𒆠 𒈬𒊺𒌍𒆠 𒉡𒄴𒅆𒅎 𒀀𒈾 𒋃𒇴
šarrum na-di-in na-bi-iš-tim a-na UD.NUN.KI a-še-ir bît E.MAḪ e-te-el LUGAL.URU ga-ba-al la ma-ḫa-ri-im šu i-ḳi šu na-ab-ša-tam a-na alu.MAŠ.KAN.PA.AL.KI mu-še-eš-ki nu-uḫ-ši-im a-na µŠID.LAM
I am the king who gives Adab its life, the controller of the temple of Emah, the most eminent of kings, unrivalled in the strife; the gift he gives to Mashkan-shapir is life, and he provides an abundant water-supply for Meslam.
šarrum, nādin napištim ana Adab, āšer bīt Emaḫ etel šarrī, qabal la maḫārim šû iqišu napšatam ana Maškan-šāpir mušešqi nuhšim ana Meslam.
Prologue 16 / 22 𒅎𒄣 𒈬𒋰𒁉𒈝 𒋗 𒅅𒋗𒁺 𒈾𒂵𒀊 𒌨𒅆𒅎 𒈬𒍑𒉺𒊍𒍥𒅕 𒉌𒅆 𒋛𒀠𒅗𒀀𒆠 𒅔 𒅗𒊏𒅆𒅎 𒈬𒊬𒅆𒁺 𒋗𒁀𒋾𒅆 𒅔 𒅔𒉡𒄴𒅆𒅔(𒅎) 𒀀𒈾 𒀭𒂗𒆠 𒅇 𒀭𒁮𒃲𒉣𒈾 𒈬𒊬𒁍𒌑 𒊬𒊒𒋾𒋗 𒁕𒅖 𒄿𒅆𒈬 𒍥𒁉 𒂖𒇻𒁴
im-ḳum mu-tab-bi-lum šu ik šu-du na-ga-ab ur-ši-im mu-uš-pa-az-zi-ir ni-ši MAL.AL.bKA.A.KI in ka-ra-ši-im mu-šar-ši-du šu-ba-ti-ši-in in nu-uḫ-ši-in(-im) a-na ilu.EN.KI u ilu.DAM.GAL.NUN.NA mu-šar-bu-u šar-ru-ti šu da-iš i-ši-mu zi-bi el-lu-tim
He is the clever one who gets things done; who reaches the depths of wisdom, who protects the people of Malgium from catastrophe, who secures their habitations with plentiful supplies, to Ea and Damgalnunna, who decrees that sacred offerings always be made the ones who made his kingship magnificent,
emqum muttabbilum šû ikšudu nagab uršim mušpazzir nišī Malgīm in karašîm mušaršidu šubātišin * in nuḫšim ana Ea u Damgalnunna mušarbû šarrūtišu dāriš išīmu zībī ellūtim
Prologue 17 / 22 𒀀𒊭𒊑𒀉 𒈗𒌷 𒈬𒅗𒀭𒉌𒅖 𒁕𒀜𒈪 𒀀𒇉 𒌓𒄒𒉣𒈾 𒉌𒌈 𒀭𒁕𒃶 𒁀𒉌𒋗 𒋗 𒅅𒈪𒇻 𒉌𒅆 𒈨𒊏𒆠 𒅇 𒌅𒌅𒌌𒆠 𒊒𒁍𒌝 𒈾𒁺𒌝 𒈬𒈾𒉿𒅕 𒉺𒉌 𒀭𒈹 𒊭𒆠𒅔 𒈠𒅗𒇷 𒂗𒇻𒁴 𒀀𒈾 𒀭𒎏𒀀𒅗
a-ša-ri-id LUGAL.URU mu-ka-an-ni-iš da-ad-mi ÍD.PÁR.DARA₅.NUN.NA ṣal-tum ilu.Da-gan ba-ni šu šu ig-mi-lu ni-ši ME.RA.KI u TU.TU.UL.KI ru-bu-um na-'-du-um mu-na-wi-ir pa-ni ilu.Nanâ ša-ki-in ma-ka-li bel-lu-tim a-na ilu.NIN.A.ZU
the leader of kings, who controls the Euphrates communities under the guidance of Dagan his creator. He is the one who shows favour to the inhabitants of Mari and Tuttul, the devout prince, who brightens the face of the god Tishpak(Ninazu@Eshnunna ≈ Inanna ), and ensures that pure food is presented to the goddess Ninazu;
ašared šarrī, mukanniš dadmē nār Purattim ittum Dagan bānîšu. šû igmilu nišī Mera u Tuttul rubûm na'dum munawwer pani Tišpak šākin mākalī ellūtim ana Ninazu
Prologue 18 / 22 𒊭𒋾𒅁 𒉌𒅆 𒋗 𒅔 𒁍𒍑𒆠𒅎 𒈬𒆠𒅔𒉡 𒅖𒆠𒅆𒅎 𒅗𒁍𒌝 𒅗𒀭𒊏𒆠 𒋗𒌌𒈠𒉌𒅖 𒉺𒇻 𒉌𒅆 𒊭 𒅁𒊺𒌅𒋗 𒂊𒇷 𒄑𒁯 𒁕𒁀 𒈬𒆠𒅔𒉌 𒄑𒁯 𒄿𒈾 𒂍𒌌𒈦 𒅗𒁍𒌝 𒀀𒂵𒉈𒆠 𒊑𒁉𒁴
ša-ti-ib ni-ši šu in pu-uš-ki-im mu-ki-in-nu iš-ki-ši-im kir-bu-um KA.DINGIR.RA.KI šu-ul-ma-ni-iš sipad ni-ši(g) ša ip-še-tu šu e-li GIŠ.DAR ṭa-ba mu-ki-in-ni GIŠ.DAR i-na Ê.UL.MAŠ kir-bu-um A.GA.NE.KI ri-bi-tim
the deliverer of his people from affliction, who provides secure foundations for them in the midst of Babylon; the shepherd of the people, whose achievements bring pleasure to Ishtar, who sets Ishtar in the E-ulmash within the centre of the city of Akkad;
šāṭip nišīšu in pušqim mukinnu išdīšin qerbum Bābilim šulmāniš rēꜥî nišī, ša epšētušu eli Ištar ṭāba* mukinni Ištar ina Eulmaš, qerbum Akkadim ribītim
Prologue 19 / 22 𒈬𒊺𒁉 𒆠𒈾𒁴 𒈬𒋢𒊺𒅕 𒄠𒈪 𒈬𒋼𒅕 ? 𒋗 𒁕𒈪𒅅𒁴 𒀀𒈾 𒌷𒀀𒇳𒊬𒆠 𒈬𒊺𒅁𒁉 𒈾𒁉𒄭
mu-še-bi ki-na-tim mu-su-še-ir bam-mi mu-te-ir lamassi šu da-mi-iḳ-tim a-na alu.A.USAR.KI mu-še-ib-bi na-bi-ḫi
the one who demonstrates justice, who guides the population aright, who brings back the protective statues to Asshur, who silences the objectors;
mušēpī kīnātim, mušūšer ammi mutêr lamassišu damiqtim ana ālim Aššur, mušeppi nābiḫī
Prologue 20 / 22 𒊬 𒊭 𒄿𒈾 𒉌𒉡𒀀𒆠 𒄿𒈾 𒂊?? 𒌑𒋗𒁉𒌑 𒈨𒂊 𒀭𒈹 𒈾𒄴𒁺𒌝 𒈬𒍑𒋼𒈪𒄣 𒀀𒈾 𒀭 𒃲𒃲
šarrum ša i-na Ni-nu-a.KI i-na E.MIŠ.MIŠ u šu-bi-u me-e ilu.Nanâ na-'-du-um mu-uš-te-mi-ḳum a-na AN gal-gal
the king who in Nineveh and in E-mesmes made famous the rites of Ishtar ; the devout one who holds intercourse with the mighty gods.
šarrum, ša ina Ninua ina Emesmes ušūpi'u mê Ištar na'dum, muštēmiqum ana ilī rabûtim *.
Prologue 21 / 22 𒇷𒅁𒇷𒅁𒁉 𒊭 𒋢𒈬𒆷𒀭 𒌉𒍑 𒁕𒈝 𒊭 𒀭𒉆𒈬𒁀𒇷𒀉 𒆰?𒌝 𒊭 𒊬𒊒𒁴 𒊬 𒆗𒉏 𒀭𒌓 𒅗𒀭𒊏𒆠 𒈬𒊺𒍥 𒉡𒊑𒅎 𒀀𒈾 𒈠𒀜 𒋗𒈨𒅕𒅎 𒌑 𒀝𒅗𒁲𒅎 𒊬 𒈬𒍑𒋼𒌍𒈪 𒆠𒅁𒊏𒀜 𒅈𒁀𒅎 𒈪𒄀𒅕 𒀭𒈹 𒁀𒈾𒆪
li-ib-li-ib-bi ša Su-mu-la-ilu mâr+da-lum ša ilu.Sin-bmu-ba-li-iṭ zêr+dârû-um ša šar-ru-tim šarrum dan-num ilu.Šamaš KA.DINGIR.RA.KI mu-še-zi nu-ri-im a-na ma-at Šu-me-er-im u Ak-ka-di-im šarrum mu-uš-te-beš-mi ki-ib-ra-at ar-ba-im mi-gi-ir ilu.Nanâ ba-na-ku
I am the descendant of Sumu-la-il, the mighty heir of Sin-muballit, with royal ancestors for generations; the mighty king, the sun of Babylon who shines all over the lands of Sumer and Akkad; the king who has made the four parts of the world listen; the one beloved of Ishtar.
liplippim ša Sumula'il aplum dannum ša Sîn-muballiṭ zērum dārium ša šarrūtim šarrum dannum, šamšu Bābilim mušēṣi nūrim ana māt Šumerim u Akkadîm šarrum muštešmi kibrāt arba'im migir Ištar anāku.
Prologue 22 / 22 𒄿𒉡𒈠 𒀭𒀫𒌓 𒀀𒈾 𒋗𒋼𒋗𒌨 𒉌𒅆 𒌦 𒌑𒋛𒅎 𒋗𒄷𒍥𒅎 𒌑𒉿𒂊𒊏𒀭𒉌 𒆠𒀉𒌓 𒌑 𒈪𒊭𒊏𒄠 𒄿𒈾 𒅗 𒈠𒁴 𒀸𒆪𒌦 𒅆𒅕 𒉌𒅆 𒁍𒋾𒅁 𒄿𒉡𒈪 𒋗
i-nu-ma ilu.Marduk a-na šu-te šu-ur ni-ši mâtim u-si-im šu-ḫu-zi-im u-we-e-ra-an-ni ki-it-tam u mi-ša-ra-am i-na pî ma-tim aš-ku-un ši-ir ni-ši bu-ṭi-ib i-nu-mi šu
inūma Marduk ana šutēšur nišī mātim ūsim šūḫuzim uwaꜥeranni, kittam u mīšaram ina pī mātim aškun, šīr nišī uṭīb, inūmišu ...
And so when Marduk urged me to direct the people of the land to adopt correct behaviour, I made the land speak with justice and truth, and improved the welfare of the people. Accordingly therefore: