north - pannous/hieros GitHub Wiki

𓎔 𓇊
𓇇𓆤 HorNeith, Symbol of North

𒂈 MIR šešig = yoke | mir (mer) [347x] = north

𓎔 #mḥ® mnor => norde <= 𒂈 MIR ☑
𓎔 𓏏 𓅂 𓈇 𓌙 𓀀 𓏥 mḥtj > northerner

𓋋 Neith 𓋌 MaNeithu ⇔ 𓋊 Menes 𓋉 Khmin 𓃝 Khmun
𓋋 Neisse North 𓋌 harnes! IO.Hannes?
𓎔 𓏏||North|North / Flood
𓎔 𓏏 𓅂 𓈇 𓌙 𓀀 𓏥||northerners|
𓎔 𓏏 𓆛 𓏥||(collective n.) fish| 1. Naut 2. Balt 3. Phith 4. mḥt
𓎔 𓏏 𓇇||(locality) the Delta marshes| mḥth mud- marsh North / Flood
𓎔 𓏏 𓈗||flood waters|flood / flasche vs scheid
𓎔 𓏏 𓊡||north wind|Schinder Scheider
𓎔 𓏏 𓋺||fan ?|
𓎔 𓏏 𓏏||the Flat/Flood-Land / Gvert
𓎔 𓏏 𓏝 𓂂||the complete eye (of Horus)
𓎔 𓏏 𓏮 𓈇||North|Norter: / Nord / North
𓎔 𓏏 𓏮 𓈇||(adj.) northern|

𓎔 𓎛 𓇇
𓂧 𓇋 𓇋 𓏏 𓇇 Delta "Lower Egypt"

𓐍 𓂧 𓊛||travel downstream, northwards, flow (of water), North| Kurd?