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𓋹 𓍑 𓋴 may he live, be prosperous and healthy, LPH , sss , ccc, etc
𒁲𒈠𒃶𒈨𒂗 šilim-ma hé-me-en: (lit. "may you be healthy/prosperous") => Welcome, farewell

𓆖 steady

𓎡 𓇋 𓇋 𓂧 𓆓 | otherwise said | cetera … dit/dice/chat/ que dschat ƒalsch rum !? / kitsch ++?
𓎡 𓏏 | (fem.) other another | etc ceteri
𓎡 𓏏 𓐍 𓏏 𓏛 𓀀 𓏥 | others | ceteri
𓎡 𓏏 𓐍 𓏮 𓀀 𓏥 𓁐 | others | ceteri