Berber - pannous/hieros GitHub Wiki

ⵎⵣⵗⵏ Amazigh (/æməˈzɪɡ/) or Imazighen ⵉⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵏ "Berber"

𓌻 𓂋 𓅱 𓈉 Mauretan

Berber could be of high significance since it is an Afroasiatic language preceding the arrival of Phoenicians, thus likely representing a direct descendent of the language of Neolithic settlers, Anatolians and southern EEF.

𓏏 Berber article ifr/frhu ≈ froh => tifrat die Freude

Berber Pronouns 𓈖 𓏏 𓏌 𓎡 𓍢 ntche - أنا 𓈖 𓏏 ante-icke 𓎡 (𓎡) chake - أنت you-que 𓈖 𓏏 𓆑 natta - هو "he" 𓈖 𓏥 nchny - نحن nous we 𓋴 𓈖 𓏪 sizissane - منهم them / si - من their

The Atlantic Neolithic, characterized by the spread of farming technologies including the cultivation of cereals and the domestication of animals, did extend into parts of Africa. This movement primarily influenced North Africa, evidenced by the spread of Neolithic artifacts, pottery styles, and agricultural practices from the Iberian Peninsula across the Strait of Gibraltar into the Maghreb region. These influences date back to around 6000 BCE, aligning with similar developments in Southern Europe.

The Atlantic Megalithic culture, known for its distinctive megalithic structures like dolmens, menhirs, and stone circles, also reached parts of North Africa, particularly Morocco. This expansion reflects a broader diffusion of megalithic practices along the Atlantic coastlines of Europe and into the northwest African region during the Neolithic and early Bronze Age, roughly from 4800 BCE to 2000 BCE.

Berber: {"a": "ⴰ", "b": "ⴱ", "c": "ⵛ", "d": "ⴷ", "e": "ⴻ", "f": "ⴼ", "g": "ⴳ", "h": "ⵀ", "i": "ⵉ", "j": "ⵊ", "k": "ⴽ", "l": "ⵍ", "m": "ⵎ", "n": "ⵏ", "o": "ⵄ", "p": "ⵒ", "q": "ⵇ", "r": "ⵔ", "s": "ⵙ", "t": "ⵜ", "u": "ⵓ", "v": "ⵖ", "w": "ⵡ", "x": "ⵅ", "y": "ⵢ", "z": "ⵣ", "aa": "ⴳⴳ", "bb": "ⴱⴱ", "dj": "ⴵ", "gh": "ⵖ", "kh": "ⵅ", "sh": "ⵛ", "th": "ⵟ", "ts": "ⵚ", "dz": "ⴹ", "zh": "ⵥ", "ng": "ⵏⴳ"},

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S ⵙ ⵚ Sa Sarah 🌞
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