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๐“‹– double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt

๐“ˆƒ โ‰ˆ ๐“‡พ ๐“‡พ #t๊œฃwj The two lands, ruled by

๐“‹‘ Hedjet (white crown) vulture pharaohs of Upper Egypt; the deities Horus and Nekhbet ๐“‹” Deshret (red crown) uraeus pharaohs of Lower Egypt and the desert Red Land; the deities Horus, Wadjet and Neith ๐“‹– Pschent, Greek ฯˆฯ‡ฮตฮฝฯ„, Egyptian sแธซm.tแป‰, sekhemti (double crown) deshret and hedjet; uraeus and vulture pharaohs, and their Horus