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𓊖 Gorod court Ort 𓊖𓏏𓏤 ⋍ city quarters 𓊖 (tall tell Teil 𓇸𓇷𓊕𓈇𓏤 town twoi 2 tawi 𓊕𓈇𓏤 )

𓐍 𓋓 𓂋 𓏏 𓏏 𓀐 | conspiracy ? | ⇔ coordination

𓋓𓋘 crown ⋍ 𓐍𓏏𓏮𓋘 @ kur/throne ⲁⲛϫⲱϫ AnKuron 円𐘮⋍京 *KRAŊ=京 𓋚𓋙𓋒𓋑𓋔

𓂧 𓈙 𓂋 𓏏 𓋓 | the Red Crown | “das rote 𓋓” / diese Rote Krone
𓂧 𓈙 𓂋 𓏏 | the Red Crown | “das Rot”™ !