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𐘳 TA 𐀲 ˢtaⁿ S/T/C 𓍿/𓎀 syn con tan

𐀲 ta τέλος télos салык "tax" 𐀲 ta дань danʹ 𓂞 "tax due" 𐀲 taʳ 𓎛 𓏏 𓂋 𓆵 𓏜 tribute, ה tax

𐘳 TA in Linear-A appears very often in combination with N: 𐘳𐘅 TA-NA 𐘳𐘗 TA-NE 𐘳𐘝 TA-NI 𐘳𐘯 TA-NU 𐘳𐘇 TA-Aⁿ 𐘇𐘳 AⁿTA

In Linear-B this becomes part of the character connotation 𐀲 taⁿ 𓍿 tan:

𐀇𐀏𐀲𐀆 di-ka-taⁿ-de Δίκτανδε Δίκτη Diktande

𐀲-𐀵-𐀗 ˢta-to-mo σταθμός Stätte stable
𐀲-𐀵-𐀗 ˢtaⁿto-mo σταθμός Stände stables 𒎌

𐀲 tax, due in 𐀀𐀚𐀲 a-ne-ta άνετα un¬due "not due" ανίημι of no charge

𐀀-𐀚-𐀲 a-ne-taˣ without taxes

𐀀-𐀏-𐀲-𐀍 a-ka-ˢta-jo à costajo : by the coast 𐀀-𐀏-𐀲-𐀍 aⁿkaʳˢta-jo an Kursta : by the coast
𓎛 𓏏 𓂋 𓆵 𓏜 | tax, levy, provide (a temple) |

𓐍 𓂋 𓏏 𓊪 𓂥 𓏥 | dues, taxes | Kur-Taxpay