User enum - pallavitewari21/Secure-Code GitHub Wiki
Allowing enumeration of usernames is not a vulnerability in itself, but in tandem with other types of vulnerabilities – like the ability to brute-force login – it will compromise the security of your users.
Make sure to return a generic “No such username or password” message when a login failure occurs. Make sure the HTTP response, and the time taken to respond are no different when a username does not exist, and an incorrect password is entered.
Password Reset
Make sure your “forgotten password” page does not reveal usernames. If your password reset process involves sending an email, have the user enter their email address. Then send an email with a password reset link if the account exists.
Avoid having your site tell people that a supplied username is already taken. If your usernames are email addresses, send a password reset email if a user tries to sign-up with an existing address. If usernames are not email addresses, protect your sign-up page with a CAPTCHA.
Profile Pages
If your users have profile pages, make sure they are only visible to other users who are already logged in. If you hide a profile page, ensure a hidden profile is indistinguishable from a non-existent profile.