Optimization mods - pajicadvance/sodium-fabric GitHub Wiki


Keep in mind that these are third-party mods, which means they are not made by us, and we are not affiliated with their authors. As such, we do not provide support for these mods. If you encounter any issues when using these mods with Sodium (with the exception of Lithium), make sure that the problem is actually caused by Sodium before reporting the issue to us.

Optimization mods

  • Lithium

    Modern, general-purpose optimization mod for Minecraft which works to improve a number of systems (game physics, mob AI, block ticking, etc) with the goal of not changing any vanilla mechanics. Made by us, highly recommended.

  • ImmediatelyFast

    Improves the immediate mode rendering performance of the client (entities, GUI, particles, text rendering).

  • Cull Less Leaves

    Skips rendering of unnecessary leaf blocks without sacrificing on looks, granting a solid performance boost.

  • FerriteCore

    Reduces the memory usage of Minecraft. Especially helps in heavy modded scenarios.

  • Dynamic FPS

    Automatically reduces the speed at which Minecraft renders when it's not focused or hidden.