Installing Sodium - pajicadvance/sodium-fabric GitHub Wiki

Official Minecraft launcher

This is the usual way of installing Fabric and Quilt mods, which you may already be familiar with.

  1. Download and install Fabric or Quilt
  2. Download Sodium for your Minecraft version from Modrinth
  3. Drag and drop the downloaded file into the mods folder:
    • Windows: C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods
    • Linux: ~/.minecraft/mods
    • MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/mods
  4. Launch the Fabric or Quilt profile from the Minecraft launcher to launch the game
  5. Verify that the mod is installed by going to Options -> Video Settings and seeing if the menu changed

Prism Launcher

This launcher is a bit harder to set up if you're not familiar with it, but provides benefits over the official launcher, especially if you're going to be using a lot of mods: easier mod management, a mod updater that keeps your mods up to date, ability to have multiple Minecraft installations completely separate from each other, and more.

  1. Download and install Prism Launcher
  2. Click on the "Add Instance" button in the top left
  3. Select your Minecraft version from the list
  4. Under "Mod Loader", select Fabric or Quilt, then select the version with a star next to it (recommended version)
  5. Name your instance (optional) and click OK
  6. Right click on the newly created instance and click "Edit..."
  7. Select the "Mods" tab from the left, then click on the "Download Mods" button from the right
  8. Select the "Modrinth" tab from the left, select Sodium from the mods list, then click on the "Select mod for download" button in the bottom right
  9. Click on the "Review and confirm" button in the bottom right, click OK, then close the Edit window
  10. Double click the instance icon to launch the game
  11. Verify that the mod is installed by going to Options -> Video Settings and seeing if the menu changed