How and where to ask for support - pajicadvance/sodium-fabric GitHub Wiki

General guidelines when asking for support

If you cannot find your problem listed in the Troubleshooting section above, there are two ways you can get in touch with us, but make sure you do the following:

  • Search the issue tracker/support forum to see if your issue has already been reported.

    By using the search bar, try searching for keywords that describe your issue the closest.

  • Provide as much info as you possibly can.

    For almost all reports, it is beneficial to provide the client log: .minecraft/logs/latest.log. For crash reports, the relevant crash log located in .minecraft/crash-reports should be provided additionally. If the problem you're reporting can be represented visually, providing a screenshot or video footage with the debug menu open (opened with the keyboard shortcut Alt + F3 in game) would be beneficial.

  • Be respectful and patient.

    Sodium is a mod that's being developed by volunteers in their free time. Reports and comments made in a disrespectful and/or aggressive manner will not be tolerated, and will be moderated as such. Support is not guaranteed, and pestering members to steer their attention to your problem will also not be tolerated.

Opening an issue report at our GitHub repository

Go to our GitHub issue tracker and open a new issue. Select the appropriate template for the kind of report you're making. Make sure to fill all the required fields in the issue template, otherwise your issue report will be closed as invalid.

Opening a support thread at our Discord server

After joining our Discord server, you can open a support thread in the #support-forum channel. If you have general questions about the mod, use the #mod-discussion channel. Do not ask for support in development channels.

You can find the link to join the Discord server here.