bash auto completion - padogrid/padogrid GitHub Wiki

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PadoGrid supports bash auto-completion. All the options can be auto-completed by typing the tab key twice, i.e., <tab><tab>. For example, the main command, padogrid, displays all the supported subcommands as follows:

-?                  create_k8s          list_workspaces     show_mc             stop_workspace
-product            create_pod          open_jupyter        show_padogrid       switch_cluster
-rwe                create_rwe          open_vscode         show_pod            switch_group
-version            create_script       pwd_cluster         show_rwe            switch_pod
add_cluster         create_workspace    pwd_group           show_workspace      switch_rwe
add_member          find_padogrid       pwd_pod             shutdown_cluster    switch_workspace
add_node            help_padogrid       pwd_rwe             shutdown_rwe        tools
build_pod           install_bundle      pwd_workspace       shutdown_workspace  uninstall_padogrid
cd_app              install_padogrid    remove_app          start_cluster       update_padogrid
cd_cluster          install_rwe         remove_cluster      start_group         vc_publish
cd_docker           kill_cluster        remove_docker       start_jupyter       vc_start
cd_k8s              kill_group          remove_group        start_mc            vc_subscribe
cd_pod              kill_member         remove_k8s          start_member        vm_copy
cd_rwe              kill_rwe            remove_member       start_pod           vm_deploy_bundle
cd_workspace        kill_workspace      remove_node         start_workspace     vm_deploy_padogrid
clean_cluster       list_apps           remove_pod          stop_cluster        vm_download
cp_sub              list_clusters       remove_workspace    stop_group          vm_exec
create_app          list_docker         show_bundle         stop_jupyter        vm_install
create_bundle       list_groups         show_cluster        stop_mc             vm_show_padogrid
create_cluster      list_k8s            show_group          stop_member         vm_sync
create_docker       list_pods           show_jupyter        stop_pod            vm_test
create_group        list_rwes           show_log            stop_rwe

All the subcommands can directly be executed without the padogrid command. For example, the following switch_cluster commands are equivalent.

# Using padogrid
padogrid switch_cluster myhz

# Without padogrid
switch_clsuter myhz

❗️ There is a well-known bash auto-completion bug in macOS and RHEL that prepends a backslash if you hit the tab key followed by an environment variable. If this happens to you then a workaround is to add the following command in .bashrc or .bash_profile. Note that this is a macOS and RHEL bash bug and is NOT contributed by PadoGrid.

# Fixes bash auto-complete bug that prepends '\' to env variables
shopt -s direxpand

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⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️