Using Bundle Templates - padogrid/padogrid GitHub Wiki

◀️ User Bundle Repos :link: Bundle Repo Guidelines ▶️

You can quickly create online bundles by following the instructions in the following links.

These templates allow you to create bundle repos equipped with all the required files. Once a repo is created using one of the templates, you can check out your bundle repo using the install_bundle -checkout -workspace <workspace-name> command as shown below.

install_bundle -checkout <workspace-name> <bundle-repo-name>

With the -checkout option specified, PaodGrid checks out your bundle in the form of a workspace in which you can test your bundle. You can freely make changes as you test your bundle and commit and push the changes directly into the bundle repo. Please see the template links for detailed instructions.

To use the bundle repo name as the workspace name specify the -checkout default option. If you specify other than default, then that name will be used as as the workspace name. For example, -checkout mybundle creates a new workspace named, mybundle, if it does not exist.

❗️ If you are using PadoGrid versions older than 0.9.7, then replace the -checkout option with -download -workspace. Starting 0.9.7, -checkout replaces -workspace.

# Switch workspace to the check out bundle
switch_workspace <workspace-name>

# After you made changes to the bundle, check in.
git commit -a -m "Made changes to ..."
git push

◀️ User Bundle Repos :link: Bundle Repo Guidelines ▶️