Padogrid Pods - padogrid/padogrid GitHub Wiki

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PadoGrid brings the VM pod concept to your local environment by including support for automatically building and distributing data grid clusters running on local Vagrant VMs. A single command builds and launches a pod with a data grid cluster spanning several VMs. With this support, you can transform your laptop into a private cloud just by installing PadoGrid. VM pods are ideal for developing and debugging applications, testing and evaluating products, tuning product performance, testing WAN replication, reproducing product issues, and even hosting applications for internal users.

Note that we define the term PadoGrid pod as a collection of VMs, whereas Kubernete's pod is a group of one or more containers. We typically run one data grid member per VM and therefore a single PadoGrid pod represents a cluster of data grid members. Similarly, on Kubernetes, we typically run one data grid member (or container) per Kubernetes pod and therefore a group of pods represents a cluster of data grid members.

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◀️ Migrating Workspaces 🔗 Kubernetes ▶️

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