PadoGrid Cheat Sheet - padogrid/padogrid GitHub Wiki

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The PadoGrid cheat sheet is displayed by executing the following.

man padogrid
padogrid -?


   padogrid - Execute the specified padogrid command

   padogrid [-product|-rwe|-version] [padogrid_command command] [-?]

   Executes the specified padogrid command. If no options are specified then it displays
   the entire RWEs in a tree view.

   Note that the product displayed in a workspace node is the default product configured
   for that workspace and does not necessarily represent the how the components in the
   workspace are configured. For example, a workspace may contain a cluster configured
   with the default product and yet another cluster with another product.

             If specified, then displays only RWEs in tree view. To display a space sparated
             list of RWEs, run 'list_rwes' instead.

             If specified, then displays the current workspace product version.

             If specified, then displays the current workspace padogrid version.

             One of the PadoGrid commands listed below.

+ Product:
add_member		create_k8s		show_log		stop_cluster
clean_cluster		create_script		show_mc			stop_mc
cp_sub			kill_cluster		shutdown_cluster	stop_member
create_app		remove_cluster		start_cluster		tools
create_cluster		start_mc
create_docker		show_cluster		start_member

+ Common:
add_cluster		kill_rwe		remove_member		stop_workspace
add_node		kill_workspace		remove_node		switch_cluster
build_pod		list_apps		remove_pod		switch_group
cd_app			list_clusters		remove_workspace	switch_pod
cd_cluster		list_docker		switch_rwe
cd_docker		list_groups		show_bundle		switch_workspace
cd_k8s			list_k8s		show_group		uninstall_padogrid
cd_pod			list_pods		show_jupyter		update_padogrid
cd_rwe			list_rwes		show_padogrid		vc_publish
cd_workspace		list_workspaces		show_pod		vc_start
create_bundle		open_jupyter		show_rwe		vc_subscribe
create_group		open_vscode		show_workspace		vm_copy
create_pod		padogrid		shutdown_rwe		vm_deploy_bundle
create_rwe		pwd_cluster		shutdown_workspace	vm_deploy_padogrid
create_workspace	pwd_group		start_group		vm_download
find_padogrid		pwd_pod			start_jupyter		vm_exec
help_padogrid		pwd_rwe			start_pod		vm_install
install_bundle		pwd_workspace		start_workspace		vm_show_padogrid
install_padogrid	remove_app		stop_group		vm_sync
install_rwe		remove_docker		stop_jupyter		vm_test
kill_group		remove_group		stop_pod
kill_member		remove_k8s		stop_rwe

   PadoGrid commands are bash scripts grouped and identifiable by prefixes and postfixes as shown
   below. Bash auto-completion is automatically enabled for all the supported products including
   some of the product native commands.

      cp_ (Hazelcast CP Subsystem), t_ (tools), vc_ (Virtual Clusters), vm_ (VMs).

      _app, _bundle, _cluster, _datanode, _docker, _group, _jupyter, _k8s, _leader, _locator, _master, _member,
      _namenode, _pod, _rwe, _vm, _vscode, _worker, _workspace.

      cd_app                     Change directory to the specified app in the current workspace
      list_apps                  List all the apps in the specified workspace
      remove_app                 Remove the specified app from the current workspace

      create_bundle              Create a bundle tar ball that includes the files that may have been modified or added
      install_bundle             Install the specified bundle file in the current workspace
      show_bundle                List online bundles or display bundle descriptions
      vm_deploy_bundle           Deploy the specified bundle file to the specified VMs in padogrid environment

      add_cluster                Add a new cluster to the specified group in the current workspace
      cd_cluster                 Change directory to the specified cluster in the current workspace
      list_clusters              List all the clusters in the specified workspace
      pwd_cluster                Display the name of the present (current) working cluster in the current workspace
      switch_cluster             Switch to the specified cluster in the current workspace

   DATANODE (Hadoop)
      add_datanode               Add a new member to the specified cluster in the current workspace
      kill_datanode              Kill the specified member in the current cluster
      remove_datanode            Remove the specified member from the specified cluster in the current padogrid workspace
      start_datanode             Start a Spark member (worker) in the specified cluster
      stop_datanode              Stop the specified member in the specified cluster

      cd_docker                  Change directory to the specified padogrid Docker cluster directory in the current workspace
      list_docker                List all the Docker clusters in the specified workspace
      remove_docker              Remove the specified Docker cluster from the current workspace

      create_group               Create and group multiple clusters
      kill_group                 Kill the specified group of clusters in the specified workspace
      list_groups                List all the defined groups in the specified workspace
      pwd_group                  Display the name of the present (current) working group in the current workspace
      remove_group               Remove the specified group of clusters in the specified workspace
      show_group                 Display the status of the specified group of clusters in the specified workspace
      start_group                Start the specified group of clusters in the specified workspace
      stop_group                 Stop the specified group of clusters in the specified workspace
      switch_group               Switch to the specified group in the current workspace

      cd_k8s                     Change directory to the specified padogrid Kubernetes cluster directory in the current workspace
      list_k8s                   List all the Kubernetes clusters in the specified workspace
      remove_k8s                 Remove the specified Kubernetes cluster from the current workspace

   LEADER (SnappyData/ComputeDB)
      add_leader                 Add a new SnappyData leader to the specified cluster in the current workspace
      kill_leader                Kill the specified leader in the current cluster
      start_leader               Start a SnappyData leader
      stop_leader                Stop the specified SnappyData leader in the specified cluster

   LOCATOR (Geode/GemFire/SnappyData/ComputeDB)
      add_locator                Add a new locator to the specified cluster in the current workspace
      kill_locator               Kill the specified locator in the current cluster
      remove_locator             Remove the specified locator from the specified cluster in the current workspace
      start_locator              Start a locator in the specified cluster
      stop_locator               Stop the specified locator in the specified cluster

   MASTER (Spark)
      add_master                 Add a new master to the specified cluster in the current workspace
      kill_master                Kill the specified master in the current cluster
      remove_master              Remove the specified master from the specified cluster in the current workspace
      start_master               Start a Spark master in the specified cluster
      stop_master                Stop the specified master in the specified cluster

      kill_member                Kill the specified member in the current cluster
      remove_member              Remove the specified member from the specified cluster in the current workspace

   NAMENODE (Hadoop)
      add_namenode               Add a new namenode to the specified cluster in the current workspace
      kill_namenode              Kill the specified namenode in the current cluster
      remove_namenode            Remove the specified namenode from the specified cluster in the current padogrid workspace
      start_namenode             Start a Hadoop namenode in the specified cluster
      stop_namenode              Stop the specified namenode in the specified cluster

      add_node                   Add one or more nodes to the specified pod in the current workspace
      build_pod                  Build the specified pod in the current workspace
      cd_pod                     Change directory to the specified padogrid pod in the current workspace
      create_pod                 Create a new pod in the current workspace
      list_pods                  List all the pods in the current workspace
      pwd_pod                    Display the name of the present (current) working pod in the current workspace
      remove_node                Remove one or more nodes from the specified pod in the current workspace
      remove_pod                 Remove the specified pod in the current workspace
      show_pod                   Display the pod status in the current workspace
      start_pod                  Start the specified pod in the current workspace
      stop_pod                   Stop the specified pod in the current workspace
      switch_pod                 Switch to the specified pod in the current workspace

      cd_rwe                     Change directory to the specified root workspaces environment
      create_rwe                 Initialize a padogrid root workspaces environment (RWE)
      install_rwe                Install the specified bundles in the specified RWE
      kill_rwe                   Kill all workspaces in the specified RWE
      list_rwes                  List all the root workspaces environments initialized by 'create_rwe'
      pwd_rwe                    Display the name of the present (current) working RWE (Root Workspaces Environment)
      show_rwe                   Display all the workspaces in the current padogrid workspaces environment
      shutdown_rwe               Gracefully shutdown all active clusters in the specified RWE
      stop_rwe                   Stop all workspaces in the specified RWE
      switch_rwe                 Switch to the specified root workspaces environment

      vm_copy                    Copy the specified file or directory to the same path in the specified VMs in padogrid environment
      vm_deploy_bundle           Deploy the specified bundle file to the specified VMs in padogrid environment
      vm_deploy_padogrid         Deploy the padogrid distribution to VMs
      vm_download                Download all the log and relevant files from the VMs to the local file system
      vm_exec                    Execute the specified command in the specified VMs except this VM
      vm_install                 Install the specified product on the remote VMs
      vm_show_padogrid           Display installed product versions in all VMs
      vm_sync                    Synchronize the rmote VMs with the local workspace
      vm_test                    Test the VM workspace configurations

   WORKER (Spark)
      add_worker                 Add a new member to the specified cluster in the current workspace
      kill_worker                Kill the specified member in the current cluster
      remove_worker              Remove the specified member from the specified cluster in the current workspace
      start_worker               Start a Spark member (worker) in the specified cluster
      stop_worker                Stop the specified member in the specified cluster

      cd_workspace               Change directory to the specified workspace
      create_workspace           Create a padogrid workspace environment
      kill_workspace             Kill all running clusters in the specified workspace
      list_workspaces            List all the workspaces in the current or specified RWE
      pwd_workspace              Display the present (current) padogrid workspace information
      remove_workspace           Remove the specified workspace
      show_workspace             Display the specified padogrid workspace information
      shutdown_workspace         Gracefully shutdown all active clusters in the specified workspace
      start_workspace            Start all the clusters in the specified workspace
      stop_workspace             Stop all running clusters in the specified workspace
      switch_workspace           Switch to the specified workspace

   TOOLS (Geode/GemFire)
      t_generate_avro_pdx        Generate PdxSerializable classes based on Avro schema files
      t_generate_avro_schemas    Generate AVRO schema files
      t_generate_kryo_serializer Generate KryoSerializer
      t_generate_wrappers        Generate classes that extend the classes found in the specified package
                                 Iteratively revoke all missing data stores
                                 Find the specified suspect node from all log files
                                 Display unexpectedly left members in chronological order
                                 Find the members that unexpectedly shutdown for removal from the cluster
      t_show_cluster_views       Display cluster views in chronological order
                                 Display member join requests received by the locators in chronological order
                                 Display membership service failure and restarted messages from locators
      t_show_missing_disk_stores Display missing disk stores
      t_show_offline_members     Display offline regions per member
      t_show_quorum_check        Display quorum check status if any
      t_show_recovery_steps      Display recovery steps for the specfied type
      t_show_stuck_threads       Find stuck threads
      t_show_suspect_node_pair   Find the specified suspect node pair from the log files
      t_show_type                Determine the network partition type

   TOOLS (Hazelcast)
      t_generate_avro_schemas    Generate AVRO schema files
      t_generate_kryo_serializer Generate KryoSerializer
      t_generate_wrappers        Generate classes that extend the classes found in the specified package

   TOOLS (Others)
      open_jupyter               Open the current RWE JupyterLab workspace
      show_jupyter               Display Jupyter Notebook server status
      start_jupyter              Start a Jupyter server
      stop_jupyter               Stop Jupyter Notebook
      open_vscode                Open the specified workspace in VSCode

   CP SUBSYSTEM (Hazelcast)
      cp_add_member              Add the specified member to the CP members list in the specified cluster
      cp_close_session           Forcibly close the specified session in the specified cluster
      cp_destroy_group           Forcibly destroy the specified CP group in the specified cluster
      cp_remove_member           Remove the specified member from the specified CP group in the specified cluster
      cp_restart                 Restarts the specified CP subsystem in the specified cluster
      cp_show_group              Display the active members in the CP group in the specified cluster
      cp_show_group_names        Display all CP group names in the specified cluster
      cp_show_members            Display all active CP members in the specified cluster in the specified cluster

   Virtual Clusters (MQTT)
      vc_publish                 Publish messages to an MQTT virtual cluster
      vc_start                   Start MQTT virtual clusters
      vc_subscribe               Subscribe to the specified topic filter in the specified MQTT virtual cluster

      find_padogrid              Find the specified installation in all RWEs
      help_padogrid              Display PadoGrid help page
      install_padogrid           Install Padogrid and downloable products
      show_padogrid              Display installed product versions
      uninstall_padogrid         Uninstall the specified product version
      update_padogrid            Iteratively add or update product versions in the current RWE

PadoGrid PadoGrid | Catalogs | Manual | FAQ | Releases | Templates | Pods | Kubernetes | Docker | Apps | Quick Start