Hazelcast jet_demo App - padogrid/padogrid GitHub Wiki

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The jet_demo app provides Jet demo jobs in the form of jar files that can readily be submitted to Jet using the jet.sh executable. You must first build the jar files by running bin_sh/build_app as described below.

Building jet_demo

create_app -app jet_demo
cd_app jet_demo
cd bin_sh

Running jet_demo

Upon successful build, you can submit any of the jar files in the lib directory to Jet using the jet.sh executable. You must have a Jet cluster running before you can run jet.sh. For padohub, you can simply create a Jet workspace and start a cluster from there as described in the Jet Workspace section.

cd_app jet_demo

# Submit WordCountJob to localhost:5701
jet.sh submit lib/WordCountJob.jar books/a-tale-of-two-cities.txt books/shakespeare-complete-works.txt

# Submit WordCountJob to localhost:6701
jet.sh -a localhost:6701 submit lib/WordCountJob.jar books/a-tale-of-two-cities.txt books/shakespeare-complete-works.txt

Monitoring Jobs

You can use the Jet Management Center to monitor the job. You can also view the Jet log files to monitor the job outputs by running show_log.

# View Jet member 1

# View Jet member 2
show_log -num 2

# View Jet cluster myjet, member 1
show_log -cluster myjet -num 1



WordCountJob is a command-line version of WordCount sample code found in the https://github.com/hazelcast/hazelcast-jet-code-samples.git repo. It counts and outputs the most frequent words from the specified file(s). The build_app copies the downloaded books in the books directory. Try submitting the WordCountJob with some of the books as arguments.

# Set the system property outputWords to output words being filtered
# by each member into thier log files
export JAVA_OPTS=-DoutputWords=true

# Submit books for counting most frequent words on localhost:5701
jet.sh -v submit lib/WordCountJob.jar books/a-tale-of-two-cities.txt books/shakespeare-complete-works.txt

# Submit books for counting most frequent words on localhost:6701
jet.sh -v -a localhost:6701 submit lib/WordCountJob.jar books/a-tale-of-two-cities.txt books/shakespeare-complete-works.txt

◀️ Hazelcast Grafana App :link: Hazelcast perf_test App ▶️