Creating RWE - padogrid/padogrid GitHub Wiki

◀️ Workspace Lifecycle Management :link: Creating Workspace and Starting Cluster ▶️

When you installed PadoGrid for the first time, you have created an RWE along with a workspace and cluster in it. You can also create additional RWEs by running the create_rwe command, which also includes a workspace and cluster. This command is by default interactive and requires you to specify the default product and the new RWE name. You can also run it non-interactively by specifying the -quiet option.

Interactively Creating RWE

The following example interactively creates the new RWE named myrwe2 with the default values for all the prompts, i.e., myws for workspace, mygeode for cluster, etc. To take default values shown in square brackets, simply hit the 'Enter' key without entering any text.


Enter the default product home path. The supported products are
[geode gemfire hazelcast snappydata coherence redis spark kafka hadoop]

Product selected: geode

Enter an RWE home path where your RWEs will be stored.

The following RWEs already exists in the specified RWE home path.
Enter a new RWE name []: myrwe2
Enter Java home path.

Enter Geode IMDG home directory path.

Enter default workspace name [myws]:
Enter default cluster name [mygeode]:
Enable VM? Enter 'true' or 'false' [false]:

Creating an RWE as follows...
            RWE Home: /Users/dpark/Padogrid/workspaces
            RWE Name: myrwe2
           JAVA_HOME: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_261.jdk/Contents/Home
        Product Home: /Users/dpark/Padogrid/products/apache-geode-1.13.2
   Default Workspace: myws
     Default Cluster: mygeode
          VM Enabled: false
Enter 'c' to continue, 'r' to re-enter, 'q' to quit: c

Non-interactively Creating RWE with Default Values

The following example non-interactively creates the same RWE as above. It creates the myrwe2 RWE with the default values.

create_rwe -quiet -rwe myrwe2

Non-interactively Creating RWE with Specific Values

You can also specify each prompt value as shown below. This example also creates the same myrwe2 RWE as above.

create_rwe -quiet \
-rwe myrwe2 \
-path /Users/dpark/Padogrid/workspaces \
-product /Users/dpark/Padogrid/products/apache-geode-1.13.2 \ 
-java /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_261.jdk/Contents/Home \
-workspace myws \
-cluster mygeode

◀️ Workspace Lifecycle Management :link: Creating Workspace and Starting Cluster ▶️