OpenComputers - pWn3d1337/Techguns2 GitHub Wiki adds Opencomputer Support to the reaction chamber. (thanks ben-mkiv)
This currently only works in dev environment and is not released yet!
Reaction Chamber
setLiquidLevel(Integer:level) -- allows to set the liquid limit (valid values are 0-10)
getLiquidLevel() -- returns the current configured liquid limit
setIntensity(Integer:level) -- sets the intensity level (valid values are 0-10)
getIntensity() -- returns the intensity level
dumpLiquid() -- dumps the liquid from the input tank
getEnergyStored() -- returns the amount of energy in the energybuffer
getMaxEnergyStored() -- returns the max amount of energy in the energybuffer
getReactionStats() -- returns if the reaction is valid, if so it also returns values of progress/duration/energyusage and the currently preferred intensity