Crafttweaker Machine Recipes - pWn3d1337/Techguns2 GitHub Wiki

All machines from techguns support adding/removing recipes with crafttweaker. (If it does not work make sure you have Techguns version or newer)

All exposed methods can be viewed in the respective class in All methods annotated with @ZenMethod can be called from crafttweaker scripts.

Example Machine scripts:
import mods.techguns.AmmoPress;
import mods.techguns.ChargingStation;
import mods.techguns.MetalPress;
import mods.techguns.ChemLab;
import mods.techguns.Fabricator;
import mods.techguns.ReactionChamber;
import mods.techguns.BlastFurnace;
import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack;

// add all logWood oredictionary entries as powder for the ammo press

// remove iron as valid metal for metal slot 2 of the ammo press

// Add a recipe to the charging station to charge gunpowder into redstone

// Charge logs into nether stars with 100k rf

// remove that gunpowder recipe from above

//Press 2 logs into 12 planks, swap-slots is 'false' because two times the same input
MetalPress.addRecipe("logWood","logWood",<minecraft:planks> * 12,false);

//press gunpowder + glass blocks into 3 planks, swapping allowed

// remove that recipe from above

// remove all recipe resulting in techguns:itemshared:47

//add a recipe for 2 gunpowder + 1 planks + 250mb Lava -> 7 coal, 1000mB Water, 17RF/tick cost
//NOTE: the stack sizes for IItemStacks are ignored for inputs here, because amount is passed as own parameter because oredict strings are allowed too


ChemLab.addRecipe(<minecraft:redstone>*5,2,"logWood",1,<liquid:lava>*250,false,<minecraft:coal>*7,<liquid:water>*0,17); // NOTE: crafttweaker does not like a null fluid stack here, so passing liquid:water*0 (or any other liquid with amount 0 can be used instead). A liquid with amount 0 will be set to null in the recipe.

//remove recipes resulting in water in no item, remove recipes resulting in leather and no liquid

//add fabricator recipes, IItemStack amounts for inputs are ignored like for chemlab
Fabricator.addRecipe(<minecraft:gunpowder>*5,1, <minecraft:planks>*5,3, <minecraft:coal:0>,1, "logWood",2, <minecraft:diamond>*2);
Fabricator.addRecipe("ingotGold",1, "itemGunpowder",3, <minecraft:coal:0>,1, "dustRedstone",2, <minecraft:diamond>*2);

//remove recipe for specific output

//outputs must be defined as array for ReactionChamber
var outputs = [<minecraft:log>] as IItemStack[];
ReactionChamber.addRecipe("planks",<minecraft:planks>,<liquid:water>,outputs,<techguns:itemshared:104>,5, 3, 7, 2, 4, 1000,0.0, "EXPLOSION_LOW", 25000);

// remove recipe for specific inputs
ReactionChamber.removeRecipe(<minecraft:nether_star>, <liquid:ender>);

//add recipe to Blast Furnace with 20 power per tick, taking 800 ticks in total
//inputs can be "Oredictname", amount or an <ItemStack>, output must be an itemstack
BlastFurnace.addRecipe("itemGunpowder", 1, <minecraft:planks>*1, <minecraft:diamond>, 20, 800);

// remove recipe from Blast Furnace with specific output

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