Weapons - pWn3d1337/Techguns GitHub Wiki


All Weapons have tooltips ingame showing their stats.

Tooltip Explanation:

Ammo: ITEM_NAME : the item required for reloading.
DamageType: TYPE : the damage type this weapon has, see article about Damage System (NOT WRITTEN YET).
Damage: MAX - MIN: the damage this weapon deals, the max damage is dealt close range, the min damage on targets far away.
Damage(x NUMBER_OF_PROJECTILES): MAX - MIN: if a gun shoots more than 1 bullet per shot (like a shotgun), the number of projectiles is shown. Each individual projectile does the displayed damage.
Range: MAX - MIN - DISSAPEAR: The 3 range values mean the following, up to MAX the projectile does full damage, between MAX and MIN the damage is interpolated lineary, from MIN onwards the projectile does minimal damage until DISSAPEAR where it's deleted.
Spread VALUE: spread is how accurate the weapon is. The value descibes how much the angle of the shot might be randomly off.
ClipSize NUMBER_OF_BULLETS: How many bullets the weapon can shoot before reloading.
ReloadTime TIME s: How long reloading takes.

Reloading Behaviour

Guns reload when you try to shoot while they are empty. There is also a force reload keybind (Default 'r'). When you do a forced reload you might lose some ammo. If it's possible the game gives you back some ammo. For example: Assault Rifle Magazines need 3 Rifle bullets to craft. The rifles have 30 bullets per magazine, if you reload >= 20, you get back 2 bullets, if you reload >=10 you get 1 bullets and no bullets if you reload with lower bullets left. The combat shotgun for example can always be reloaded without any loss because it needs 1 bullet per shot. Full guns cannot be force reloaded.


Very cheap and early game weapon. Shoots stone bullets that have gravity. Mediocre damage, low RoF.


Cheap, not very expensive. Shoots 9mm bullets. 6shot magazine. 1 x 9mm Bullets per 6 shots. Semi automatic. Mediocre damage.

Submachine Gun

Fully automatic SMG. 25 rounds. Requires SMG magazines. 2x 9mm Bullets per magazine. Low damage.


Double Barrel shotgun. 2 shots per reload. High damage at close range.


Fully automatic assault rifle. Uses Assault Rifle Magazines. Fully automatic, strong at close range.

M4 Assault Rifle

Fully automatic assault rifle. Has a zoom with right mouse button. Better at Range than Kalaschnikow, worse at short distance.

Bolt Action Rilfe

Sniper Rifle with 6 shots. Has a scoped zoom with right mouse button. High damage per shot, high range, very accurate. Uses Rifle Shells directly.


Fully automatic light machine gun, has a red dot sight like M4 (zoom without scope). High ROF, big magazine.


Very powerful semi automatic Sniper rifle. Needs high caliber round for it's magazines. Has a scope, high damage and range.

Combat Shotgun

Pumpgun with 8 shots. Similar too Sawed-off but with a bigger magazine.