filesystem - oxygine/oxygine-framework GitHub Wiki
File System
Oxygine provides cross-platform API for working with files: creating, reading, writing. It is recommended to use it instead of std API (fopen/fwrite/CreateFile etc).
Typical usage example
Read file, modify it and save back:
#include "oxygine-framework.h"
void test()
ox::file::buffer data;
//read entire file into buffer with stdio flags "rb" (Read Binary)
ox::file::read("user", data);
//modify buffer
data[0] += 1
data[1] += 2
//write file back from buffer with stdio flags "wb" (Write Binary)
ox::file::write("user", data);
ox::file::buffer is intermediate buffer for storing data when working with files. It uses *std::vector < unsigned char > * internally.
Low level
Namespace ox::file has also low level functions to working with files.
ox::file::handle h = ox::file::open("user", "wb");
ox::file::write(h, "Hello World", strlen("Hello World"));
Oxygine supports only binary file operations, you always should use 'b' flag when opening file
Working with missing files
Imagine you want to read file and work with loaded data. But you not sure that file is exits:
ox::file::read("user", data);
//user function
If file "user" is missing you would see error:
>> error: can't open file: user
>> error: Assert! 941 d:\oxygine-framework\oxygine\src\core\oxygine.cpp
>> Assertion failed!
To avoid error you should pass additional argument:
if(ox::file::read("user", data, ep_ignore_error))
This code will show warning if file is missing:
if(ox::file::read("user", data, ep_show_warning))
warning: can't open file: user
In examples above third argument is error_policy enum. It has 3 values:
- ep_show_error is default and most strict value. Shows assert and prints error to log.
- ep_show_warning prints warning to log.
- ep_ignore_error does nothing.
Or you could check it with ox::file::exists function. It is slower than solutions above:
if (ox::file::exists("user"))
ox::file::read("user", data);
//user function
Mounting zip archieves to filesytem
ZipFileSystem is limited and works in a read-only mode.
First step is mount ZipFileSystem. More than one archive could be mounted at once:
#include "oxygine-framework.h"
ox::file::ZipFileSystem zp;
void mount()
Read any data from file as usual:
void read_packs()
ox::file::buffer data;
ox::file::read("anyfilefromzip", data);
ZipFileSystem is read only.
ZipFileSystem can work with files in a streaming/random access mode and seek, but with a few limitations:
- The file which you wish to open inside the zip archive must be packed without compression
- You must open the file in "srb" mode:
void open_file_if_you_need_random_access_or_streaming()
ox::file::handle h = ox::file::open("streamingfilefromzip", "srb");
ox::file::seek(h, 0, SEEK_END);
unsigned int size = ox::file::tell(h);
ox::file::seek(h, 0, SEEK_SET);
- If you open the file in "rb" mode instead, you will get an error when you attempt to call file::seek or upon opening multiple files simultaneously.
- Because of this, it is recommended that you instead read files using file::read directly into file::buffer.
Working with folders
Create folder:
Pugixml is included to Oxygine.
#include "ox/pugixml.hpp"
//load file to buffer
ox::file::buffer bf;
ox::file::read("file.xml", bf);
pugi::xml_document doc;
//parse xml document from buffer
doc.load_buffer(&[0], bf.size());
JsonCpp is included to Oxygine.
#include "ox/json.hpp"
//load file to buffer
ox::file::buffer bf;
ox::file::read("file.json", bf);
Json::Reader reader;
Json::Value value;
reader.parse((char*)&bf.front(), (char*)&bf.front() + bf.size(), value, false);
//add some data
value["score"] = 123;
//save it back to file
Json::FastWriter writer;
std::string s = writer.write(value);
ox::file::write("file.json", s.c_str(), s.size());
Some notes
You should access to filesystem after Oxygine core initialization:
If you require access to the file system before the ox::core::init call (for example, if you wish to read a config file), then use the following: