svg tool - owntech-foundation/Tutorials GitHub Wiki

We have made a tool for you to visualize which parameter you will need to implement. You don't understand yet what a PWM or a dutycycle mean ? Go first on our electricity basis course (link).

You can change different parameters on the the right screen on the following link : Test your parameters

The following parameters will be used to set up your electrical converter. If you don't have any oscilloscope at home, you can test your parameters here and visualize how it goes.

1. Plot scale 
	a. Choose how many cycle you wanna visualize
2. Choose your duty cycle
	a. Quel avantage à aller proche de 1 ou proche de 0
3. Phase shifts
	a. ??
4. Deadtime
	a. Avantage à mettre un deadtime proche de 0 ou proche de 0.1
5. Sycnhronous adc
	a. Activate synch adc unit : pk ? Adc1 ? Adc2 ?
	b. Define adc1 unit edge trigger : rising edge/falling edge ?
6. PWM channels
	a. Pk pas de B ? Pk activer 6 ou 2 ?
	b. Set single pwm output : pk faire ?
	c. Invert pwm convention : pk faire ?
7. Modulation type:
	a. Qu'est ce que cela veut dire ? Left aligned ? Pk activer ou desactiver ?
8. Plot options 
	a. Duty cyles comparison lines diplay
	b. Phase shifts comparison lines diplay

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