Servlet API - ovirt-china/manage-domains-plugin GitHub Wiki

:bulb: This description is valid for v0.5.0 and above.


We are defining here the complete set of the actions allowed by the API of the engineManageDomains Servlet. This API is based on the engine-manage-domains CLI.

:fast_forward: Fast Access

List Add Delete Edit

Available actions:

HTTP Methods URI Description
GET /domains list all the domains
PUT /domains/{domain-name} add the new domain {domain-name}
DELETE /domains/{domain-name} delete the domain {domain-name}
PUT /domains/{domain-name}/edit edit the domain {domain-name}

List :top:

HTTP Methods URI Output
GET /domains return a collection of JSON objects containing the name and the user of each domains.

This function uses the command list (cf. CLI Documentation).


HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK Everything went well. (cf. Description of a Successful Response)
204 No Content Everything went well but there is no domain to return.
500 Internal Server Error An error occurs and the command was not able to complete properly.

Description of a Successful Response

Field Description
domain Name of the domain
username User assigned to the domain


GET /domains/list

200 OK
   "domain": domain1,
   "username": usename@domain1
   "domain": domain2,
   "username": usename@domain2

Add :top:

HTTP Methods URI Output
PUT /domains/{domain-name} create {domain-name} and return a 201 HTTP status code if it is successful.

This function uses the command add (cf. CLI Documentation).

Creating a Request

To give all the needed information, PUT /domains/{domain-name} must be send with a JSON object containing all the following fields:

Field Type Default State Description
domain URL/IP Required The domain to add.
provider Abbr.¹ Required The LDAP provider type¹ of server used for the domain.
user String Required The domain user.
password String Required² The password to manage the domain.
addPermissions boolean false Add engine superuser permissions to the user.
configFile Absolute Path "" Use the given alternate configuration file.
ldapServers String "" A comma delimited list of LDAP servers to be set to the domain.
resolveKdc boolean false Resolve KDC servers using DNS (don't assume they are the same as LDAP servers).
passwordFile Absolute Path Required² A file containing the password.
¹ The LDAP provider type of server used for the domain, can be one of (case insensitive):
Type Descripion
ad Microsoft Active Directory
ipa freeIPA
rhds Red Hat Directory Server
itds IBM Tivoli Directory Server
oldap OpenLDAP

² You can choose either to send directly the password in the PUT request or to give an absolute path of a file where the password is located.


HTTP Status Code Meaning
201 Created Everything went well and the domain has been added successfully.
400 Bad Request The request was rejected because some informations were missing or not accepted.
500 Internal Server Error An error occurs and the command was not able to complete properly.


PUT /domains/domain1
   "domain": "domain1",
   "provider": "ipa",
   "user": "usename@domain1",
   "password": "qwerty123"
   "addPermissions": false,
   "configFile": "",
   "ldapServers": "",
   "resolveKdc": false,
   "passwordFile": ""

201 Created
The domain domain1 has been added successfully.

Delete :top:

HTTP Methods URI Output
DELETE /domains/{domain-name} delete {domain-name} and return a 204 HTTP status code if it is successful.

This function uses the command delete (cf. CLI Documentation).


HTTP Status Code Meaning
204 No Content Everything went well and the domain has been deleted successfully.
404 Not Found The domain {domain-name} doesn't exist in the current configuration.
500 Internal Server Error An error occurs and the command was not able to complete properly.


DELETE /domains/domain1

204 No Content

Edit :top:

HTTP Methods URI Output
PUT /domains/{domain-name}/edit edit {domain-name} and return a 201 HTTP status code if it is successful.

This function uses the command edit (cf. CLI Documentation).

Creating a Request

To give all the needed information, PUT /domains/{domain-name}/edit must be send with a JSON object containing all the following fields. The function is only going to edit the field which had been modify from their default state.

Field Type Default State Description
domain URL/IP Required The domain to add.
provider Abbr.¹ "" The LDAP provider type¹ of server used for the domain.
user String "" The domain user.
password String Required² The password to manage the domain.
addPermissions boolean false Add engine superuser permissions to the user.
configFile Absolute Path "" Use the given alternate configuration file.
ldapServers String "" A comma delimited list of LDAP servers to be set to the domain.
resolveKdc boolean false Resolve KDC servers using DNS (don't assume they are the same as LDAP servers).
passwordFile Absolute Path Required² A file containing the password.
¹ The LDAP provider type of server used for the domain, can be one of (case insensitive):
Type Descripion
ad Microsoft Active Directory
ipa freeIPA
rhds Red Hat Directory Server
itds IBM Tivoli Directory Server
oldap OpenLDAP

² You can choose either to send directly the password in the PUT request or to give an absolute path of a file where the password is located.


HTTP Status Code Meaning
201 Created Everything went well and the domain has been edited successfully.
400 Bad Request The request was rejected because some informations were missing or not accepted.
500 Internal Server Error An error occurs and the command was not able to complete properly.


PUT /domains/domain1/edit
   "domain": "domain1",
   "provider": "",
   "user": "",
   "password": "qwerty123"
   "addPermissions": false,
   "configFile": "",
   "ldapServers": "",
   "resolveKdc": true,
   "passwordFile": "/usr/share/password.txt"

201 Created
The domain domain1 has been edited successfully.