CLI Documentation - ovirt-china/manage-domains-plugin GitHub Wiki

We have taken the output of the command engine-manage-domains --help and made it a bit more readable to help us develop the plugin.


Using the engine-manage-domains tool it is possible to add/edit/delete/validate/list authentication domains to serve as resource for users authenticating to oVirt engine.


engine-manage-domains <action> [<args>]

Available actions:

Actions Description
add add a domain using specified provider and user
edit edit an existing domain
delete delete an existing domain
validate validate the current configuration
list list the current configuration

Add domain

engine-manage-domains add --domain=DOMAIN --provider=PROVIDER --user=USER [--add-permissions] [--config-file=CFG_FILE] [--ldap-servers=SERVERS] [--resolve-kdc] [--password-file=PASS_FILE] [--change-password-msg]

Edit domain

engine-manage-domains edit --domain=DOMAIN [--provider=PROVIDER] [--user=USER] [--add-permissions] [--config-file=CFG_FILE] [--ldap-servers=SERVERS] [--resolve-kdc] [--password-file=PASS_FILE] [--change-password-msg]

Delete domain

engine-manage-domains delete --domain=DOMAIN [--force] [--config-file=CFG_FILE] [--password-file=PASS_FILE]

Validate configuration

engine-manage-domains validate [--report] [--config-file=CFG_FILE]

List configuration

engine-manage-domains list [--config-file=CFG_FILE]


Options Description
--add-permissions Add engine superuser permissions to the user.
--change-password-msg Reads interactively a URL or a message to be returned to the user in case the password has expired.
--config-file=CFG_FILE Use the given alternate configuration file.
--domain=DOMAIN The domain you wish to perform the action on.
--force Skip confirmation of a delete operation.
--help Show this help message and exit.
--ldap-servers=SERVERS A comma delimited list of LDAP servers to be set to the domain.
--log-file=LOG_FILE Sets file to write logging into (if not set nothing is logged).
--log-level=LOG_LEVEL Sets log level, one of DEBUG (default), INFO, WARN, ERROR (case insensitive).
--log4j-config=XML_FILE Sets log4j.xml file which logging configuration is loaded from.
--provider=PROVIDER The LDAP provider type¹ of server used for the domain.
--report Report all validation error, if occured (default behaviour is to exit when a validation error occurs).
--resolve-kdc Resolve KDC servers using DNS (don't assume they are the same as LDAP servers).
--user=USER The domain user.
--password-file=PASS_FILE A file containing the password (if it's not set, the password will be read interactively).

¹ The LDAP provider type of server used for the domain, can be one of (case insensitive):

Type Descripion
ad Microsoft Active Directory
ipa freeIPA
rhds Red Hat Directory Server
itds IBM Tivoli Directory Server
oldap OpenLDAP


Adding a domain

[root@localhost ~]# engine-manage-domains add --domain=DOMAIN --provider=ipa  --user=USER
Enter password:
The domain DOMAIN has been added to the engine as an authentication source but no users from that domain have been granted permissions within the oVirt Manager.
Users from this domain can be granted permissions by editing the domain using action edit and specifying --add-permissions or from the Web administration interface logging in as admin@internal user.
oVirt Engine restart is required in order for the changes to take place (service ovirt-engine restart).
Manage Domains completed successfully

###Listing domains

[root@localhost ~]# engine-manage-domains list
Domain: DOMAIN
	User name: USER@DOMAIN
Manage Domains completed successfully

###Deleting domain

[root@localhost ~]# engine-manage-domains delete --domain=DOMAIN
Are you sure you like to delete domain DOMAIN (yes/no): yes
Successfully deleted domain DOMAIN. Please remove all users and groups of this domain using the Administration portal or the API. oVirt Engine restart is required in order for the changes to take place (service ovirt-engine restart).
Manage Domains completed successfully
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