Sandbox: Lua: Sound: Checker - ov-studio/Vital.sandbox GitHub Wiki

━ APIs

━ sound.isPlaying() (Client)

@Objective: Verifies whether the sound's playing.
local bool: result = sound.isPlaying(
  userdata: sound*

━ sound.isPaused() (Client)

@Objective: Verifies whether the sound's paused.
local bool: result = sound.isPaused(
  userdata: sound*

━ sound.isLooped() (Client)

@Objective: Verifies whether the sound's looped.
local bool: result = sound.isLooped(
  userdata: sound*

━ sound.isVolumeRamped() (Client)

@Objective: Verifies whether the sound's volume is ramped.
local bool: result = sound.isVolumeRamped(
  userdata: sound*

━ sound.isMuted() (Client)

@Objective: Verifies whether the sound's muted.
local bool: result = sound.isMuted(
  userdata: sound*

━ sound.is3D() (Client)

@Objective: Verifies whether the sound's in 3D mode.
local bool: result = sound.is3D(
  userdata: sound*