API: Lua: Getting Started - ov-studio/Vital.sandbox GitHub Wiki

━ What's the Objective?

Vital increases your productivity by providing straightforward optimized custom Lua bindings for C++ interface.

Looking to embed lua in your game project? game engine? sandbox (multiple lua resources?)? Don't worry, we've crafted it to suite the requirements of various projects.

Our abstraction layer supports creation/management of multiple vm's, custom error handling, dynamic interface bindings; Just embed and get started!

━ How to get started?

  1. Attach an error handler as per requirements as per binding.

    For example an error handler that prints the outputs to console would look something similar:

    // Import our header file
    #include <Sandbox/lua/public/api.h>
    Vital::Sandbox::Lua::API::onErrorHandle([](std::string& err) -> void {
        std::cout << "\nError" << err;
  2. Bind your C++ functions that you prefer to expose to Lua as per binding.

    For example a Lua function called greetMe that greets by accepting name as parameter would look something similar:

    local result = greetMe("World")
    print(result) --"Hello World"
    Vital::Sandbox::Lua::API::bind("__G", "greetMe", [](vital_ref* ref) -> int {
        auto vm = Vital::Sandbox::Lua::fetchVM(ref); // Fetches vm by state's reference
        return vm -> execute([&]() -> int {
            std::string name = vm -> getString(-1) // Get the topmost (i.e, value at index -1) string from the vm's stack
            std::string result = "Hello " + name; // Create a result "Hello <name>"
            vm -> setString(result); // Push the result to vm's stack
            return 1; // Number of values to return as result to the caller, in this case its just 1 value 'result'
  3. Since we've got error handler and our bindings ready, its time to boot them as indicated below:

    Vital::Sandbox::Lua::API::boot(); // Boots the bindings and custom libraries provided by Vital
  4. Hurray! Its finally time to create a VM as per vm and test our application:

    std::string testScript = R"(
    auto testVM = new Vital::Sandbox::Lua::create();
    testVM -> loadString(testScript); // Executes our string on the vm
    Hello Aviril
    Hello Аниса
    Hello Tron
    Hello Mario

━ What Sandbox APIs does Vital provides natively?

We've implemented our custom modules to highly upgrade lua internally. By default Lua's deprived of threader, namespaces, classes, filesystem, crypto (hashing, encoding/decoding, encrypting/decrypting) etc features; We integrate and provide them out of the box for you.

Although its not just limited to that, we've extended and improved existing modules to have more appropriate sandboxing features from engine perspective, such as quaternion, matrix libraries etc under math module. All of the modules that we've implemented are completely from scratch and performance oriented.

You can read about each modules in-detail by navigating under 'Sandbox - Lua` section.

━ How to find further C++ & Sandbox APIs?

Kindly refer the sidebar 👉🏻 under Lua section for further details that you prefer to dive into.

For further native API reference refer: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/lua/index.htm

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