Open Project Specification Lifecycle Processes - oslc-op/oslc-specs GitHub Wiki

This Wiki page describes the lifecycle and processes for creating, managing, publishing and promoting OP work products as OASIS Standards. The process details are provided in the OASIS Open Project Rules.

Project Specification Draft

PGB can with 14 day notice vote to create a Project Specification Draft (PSD) revision of any work product, and simply tag the revision in the repo. Nothing is published to the OASIS Library for a PSD.

Project Specification

A Project Specification Draft can with 14 day notice be promoted to Project Specification (PS) by PGB Special Majority Vote (SMV), subject to specification conformance review by OASIS OP Admin.

Upon approval by OASIS OP Admin, and successful SMV, the PS revision is tagged in the repo, and HTML and PDF snapshots of the PS are sent to the OASIS OP Admin to be published in the OASIS Library.

Publishing a Project Specification

  1. Finish any document edits and ReSpec changes necessary to render the documents in conformance to OASIS OP Project Specification Template guidelines
  2. Create the PS revision in the GitHub repo:
    1. set the publishDate and specStatus and revision in a Pull Request (PR) reviewed by the maintainers
    2. Once a PR is reviewed, PGB ballot is opened for 14 days to approve a PSD.
    3. Once the PSD approves, the PR is merged the commit is tagged %specStatus%-%revision% and another PR is merged to IMMEDIATELY reverse the PS/PSD attributes, returning the spec on the master branch to the PSD status and dropping or bumping the revision.
  3. Export the PS revision HTML using ReSpec
  4. Generate PDF from the HTML
  5. Provide these two documents to OASIS for publication
  6. Create a new `' redirect at to the published HTML and PDF OASIS documents.
  7. Adjust the to point to the newly published revision for the HTML and PDF documents in the OASIS Library

Generating PDF


wkhtmltopdf --page-size Letter -T 25 -B 20 --header-spacing 6 --header-font-size 10 --header-center "Standards Track Work Product" --footer-line --footer-spacing 4
 --footer-left  --footer-center "Copyright © OASIS Open 2019. All Rights Reserved." --footer-right "<DD MMMMMMM 2019> - Page [page] of [topage]" --footer-font-size 8 .html .pdf

Candidate OASIS Standard

Once a PS has obtained three statements of use sent to the oslc-op mailing list, the PGB can schedule a SMV to promote the Project Specification revision to a Candidate OASIS Standard (COS).

OASIS Standard

After Completion of a public review lasting a minimum of 60 days, OASIS OP Admin issues a call for consent to approve the COS as OASIS Standard. A potential single, second call for consent may be necessary after addressing negative comments. See Section 3.8 Approval of an OASIS Standard for details.