Run train, predict,... session - orthoseg/orthoseg GitHub Wiki

Once you have added a meaningful number of (extra) examples, you can do a (new) training run. The number of added examples that is meaningful will depend on the case, but a reasonable amount is 50. Once the model is trained, you can continue by running a prediction and if wanted a postprocessing step.

If you ran the sample project, these steps will look very familiar:

  1. start a conda command prompt

  2. activate the orthoseg environment with

    conda activate orthoseg
  3. preload the images so they are ready to detect your {segment_subject} on, using the configuration file "{project_dir}{segment_subject}.ini".

    orthoseg_load_images --config {project_dir}{segment_subject}.ini
  4. train a neural network to detect football fields.

    orthoseg_train --config {project_dir}{segment_subject}.ini
  5. detect the football fields.

    orthoseg_predict --config {project_dir}{segment_subject}.ini

    After this completes, the directory {project_dir}/output_vector will contain a .gpkg file with the features found.

Of course it is also possible to script this in your scripting language of choice to automate this further...

Remark: Because tasks often take quite a while, orthoseg maximally tries to resume work that was started but was not finished yet. Eg. when predicting a large area, OrthoSeg will save the prediction per image, so if the prediction process is stopped for any reason and restarted, it will continue where it stopped.