ZFR - oronsa/shoulder2shoulder GitHub Wiki
#ZFR - Zero Feature Release
Table of Contents
- [Introduction Document Goals] (#introduction-document-goals)
- [Prototype] (#prototype)
- [User Stories And Evaluations] (#user-stories-and-evaluations)
- [Introduction] (#introduction)
- [Analysis monthly report of the finance status] (#analysis-monthly-report-of-the-finance-status)
- [Send a message between the users] (#send-a-message-between-the-users)
- [Security system] (#security-system)
- [Monitoring the users activity] (#monitoring-the-users-activity)
- [Requirement to use the organization existing data-base] (#requirement-to-use-the-organization-existing-data-base)
- [Sub Contracting Assignments] (#sub-contracting-assignments)
- [Iteration ONE] (#iteration-one)
Introduction Document Goals
This document will describe the first iteration of the milestones, in the developing of the Accounting Shoulder product.
##Prototype - Under construction, visit our live application
##User Stories And Evaluations
####Introduction All time assessments below will relay on the fact that we're a team of 4 members,who have to combine learning new features among implementing them into a raw product.View our [Class Diagram] (https://github.com/oronsa/shoulder2shoulder/blob/master/Doc/Images/Diagram%20photos/class-diagram-SDS.jpg)
####Analysis monthly report of the finance status As a family member I wish to receive a monthly report that will help me in thefuture to manage my account better
- Effort Evaluation- Processing The users financial objects and creating a general report,working on 3 classes with the required functionality. Our assessment is 7 hours.
####Inserting daily transactions and processing reports As a family member I wish to insert transactions I made on a daily basis, and receivingdifferent views over my financial status
- Effort Evaluation- Forms system - creating and extracting data from forms which will be pulled/pushed to the data-base View system - a system that will represent data in lists/graphs by the users choice Our assessment is 7 to 10 hours.
####Send a message between the users As a user in the system I would like to have the possibility to communicatewith others in the application
- Effort Evaluation- Implementing messaging system which will allow the users to communicate. Our assessment is 5 hours.
####Security system All the personal information will be protected by a Login system
- Effort Evaluation- Creating a security Token which the only the designated users will receive to allow them signing up. As well as Log-in and out system to allow access control by privileges. Our assessment is 6 hours.
####Monitoring the users activity As an employee of organization I would like to have the possibility to watchand monitor the finance status of the families in my responsibility
- Effort Evaluation- Allowing a specific view to users with privileges over the financial status of the families. As sub-object of the Security system with some additional functionality. Our assessment is 4 hours.
####Requirement to use the organization existing data-base We will use the existing data-base the organization owns, to allow the consistency of prior data Kakadu http://www.kakadotech.co.il/
- Effort Evaluation- We are still waiting for further information from the client regarding the implementation of the environment.