MVP - oronsa/shoulder2shoulder GitHub Wiki
Minimum Viable Product
Table of Contents
- Iteration Goals
- Iteration Roles
- Iteration Current Tasks
- Main Stories For The Current Iteration
- Sign Up
- Sign In and Out
- Screenshots before Iteration
- Screenshots after Iteration
- Completion Points Assumptions
- Iteration Zoom-In Class Diagram
- Sprint Issues
- Client Feedback
- Team Meeting
- Weekly Summary
- Iteration Conclusions
- Next iteration planning
Iteration Goals
This iteration's main goal will be to create a general view of the product, meaning the creation of:
- Home page
- User dashboard
- Sign-up system (Token permissions)
- Sign-in and out The client will be able to check the main view of the product, and give us the initial feedback.
Iteration Roles:
- Scrum Master: Oron Sason
- Product Owner: Amir Lavi
- Development team: Shimri Peretz and Maen Abu-Gosh
Iteration Current Tasks:
Main Stories For The Current Iteration
###Sign Up Creating a security Token which the only the designated users will receive to allow them signing up.
- Possible scenario
- Given that Solomon is registered to the organization
- Solomon receive an e-mail from his admin with his unique Token
- Solomon enters the site to the sign-up section
- Solomon fill in the sign-up with his unique Token and his personal information
- The system match the key, upon success creates the objects necessary to maintain the Account,otherwise return failure
- Solomon receive an e-mail upon success or a pop-up message upon failure with the reason
- Verification of the scenario
- Creating a Mock Object which will run in the Sand-box for testing
###Sign In and Out Creating a sign-in/out system
- Possible scenario
- Given that Solomon is registered to the application
- Solomon enters the site to the sign-in section
- Solomon fill in his username and password
- The system match the username and password by a Map, upon success creates a view by the user permissions,otherwise return a password recovery message
- Solomon choose to recover his password via his username or e-mail
- Solomon receive an email with his new random password and a link to the password recovery page
- Solomon enters the link to the password recovery page and fill his e-mail and the new password
- return to step 4
- Note: Signing out will be done by a button "Sign Out"
- Verification of the scenario
- Creating a Mock Object which will run in the Sand-box for testing
Screenshots before Iteration
Screenshots after Iteration
Completion Points Assumptions:
- Project Page effort - 20 Points
- Basic Dashboard Page - 18 Points
- Sign-up system - 22 Points Total: 60
Iteration Zoom-In Class Diagram:
Sprint issues
Team Meeting
Discussed and brainstormed our current major issue of the client-server routing
Some issues regarding figuring out the frame work
Main pages of the web site are ready
Weekly Summary
We didn't took under full consideration the amount of knowledge we have to acquire in order to set up the framework and work with it.
The following iteration tasks were postponed:
Create Server-Side API functions - we still have an issue with the client side promises handling.
Sign-Up & Login System
Authentication Tokens
Database Administration
Iteration Conclusions
- Keep working hard to figure out our issues
- Allow a minimal viable product to show to the client
##Code review:
- Oron Sason:[issue] (
- Amir Lavi:issue
- Shimri Peretz: issue
- Maen Abu-Gosh:issue
##Testing methods:
- We are doing manual testing by creating objects or collections in the DB and watching the process by printing values as necessary on the objects path.
- We are calling to our server-side methods and by using the console or debug we are able to check that the functions behave like they should.