Data access via AWS CLI - orcasound/orcadata GitHub Wiki

AWS CLI cheat sheet: access static ML resources


Run python -m pip install awscli to get aws cli

Most resources are located within the Orcasound Acoustic Sandbox bucket on AWS S3. Since you can't use a web browser to explore the Orcasound S3 resources (without being an IAM user with the Orcasound AWS organization), here are some AWS CLI short-cuts for initial interactions and contributions -- like hacking for a day:

aws --no-sign-request s3 ls s3://acoustic-sandbox

Access the current ML test-set:

Labels (annotated by Scott Veirs) --

aws --no-sign-request s3 cp s3://acoustic-sandbox/labeled-data/classification/killer-whales/southern-residents/20190705/orcasound-lab/test-only/OS_7_05_2019_08_24_00_labels.txt .

Raw audio data (in WAV format) --

aws --no-sign-request s3 cp s3://acoustic-sandbox/orcasounds/call-examples.mp3 .

Access to live audio streams & other Orcasound data

For accessing all data and resources stored in open Orcasound S3 buckets, including live audio streams for real-time inference experiments, see the Orcasound file.