4.1 Data Integration Pentaho Kettle - orbisgis/h2gis GitHub Wiki

We present a method to connect H2GIS to PENTAHO KETTLE ETL.

Step 1 : Install KETTLE

Download http://community.pentaho.com/projects/data-integration/ and install it.

Step 2 : Copy H2GIS librariries

Download the last H2GIS libraries available on http://www.h2gis.org. Unzip the folder and copy all jars in KETTLE lib folder. Don't forget to remove the current h2 driver.

Step 3 : Run KETTLE

Run the spoon.sh if you are on linux or bat on Windows.


Step 4 : Create a New Transform

To create a new transform, right-click New in the context menu.


Step 5 : Create New Database Connection

Go to the menu Tools > Wizard > Create database connection. It will bring up a pop-up window to connect to a new database.

Select the database name and type as shown below and press Next.


Step 6 : Specify the database parameters

Specify the JDBC connection’s URL and the name of the driver class as shown below. Don't forget to add it to your database path ;-)


Step 7 : Set the Username and Password

Specify your username and password as shown below.


Step 8 : Enjoy

As the last figure shows, H2GIS is now avalaible in KETTLE. Enjoy and read the KETTLE documentation.