iteration2 plan - opxz7148/ku-polls GitHub Wiki

Iteration 2 plan

Iteration Goal

Develop further from iteration 1 by make polls conductor able to set end date of polls. After reach end dates polls is unable to vote anymore even if user try to vote it via URL ut user still able to see polls result. Also make navigating through application easier by add navigation button on each page allow user to navigate to each page such as polls result, index page more easier.


  • Polls conductor able to set polls end date.
  • Polls will unavailable before published_date and after end_date.
  • Remove vote button for question that already unavailable
  • Redirect user back after user try to vote unavailable polls via URL
  • User able to navigate throughout website with navigate button


  • Able to set polls end date
  • Only published polls will appear on index page and redirect user back when they try to reach polls that aren't published yet via URL.
  • User can't vote unavailable polls and redirect user back when they try to vote via URL.
  • Navigation links allow access to any page without using browser "back" button.
  • Sensitive configuration parameters and secret can be modified without changing the source code.

Acceptance criteria

  • Poll list show only available polls.
  • User can't vote polls that isn't published yet or already end via URL.
  • User able to navigate through each page with navigation button