XWPFConverterPDFViaIText - opensagres/xdocreport GitHub Wiki
org.apache.poi.xwpf.converter.pdf provides the DOCX 2 Pdf converter based on Apache POI XWPF and iText.
You can test this converter with the REST Converter service http://xdocreport-converter.opensagres.cloudbees.net/
Download this converter with :
- maven :
- download the docx.converters-${XDOCREPORT_VERSION}-sample.zip
where ${XDOCREPORT_VERSION} is the XDocReport version (ex : 1.0.0).
Here a sample to convert org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFDocument to Pdf format :
import org.apache.poi.xwpf.converter.pdf.PdfOptions;
import org.apache.poi.xwpf.converter.pdf.PdfConverter;
// 1) Load DOCX into XWPFDocument
InputStream in= new FileInputStream(new File("HelloWord.docx"));
XWPFDocument document = new XWPFDocument(in);
// 2) Prepare Pdf options
PdfOptions options = PdfOptions.create();
// 3) Convert XWPFDocument to Pdf
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File("HelloWord.pdf"));
PdfConverter.getInstance().convert(document, out, options);
// iText during conversion process has to access fonts with proper encoding. Otherwise some
// diactric characters may be not converted properly (missing from the resulting pdf)
// The converter uses underlying operating system encoding as the default value.
// It is also possible to set it explicitely
PdfOptions options = PdfOptions.create().fontEncoding("windows-1250");
Customize the creation of font (usefull for Chinese character).
XDocReport 1.0.4 provides fr.opensagres.xdocreport.itext.extension.IPdfWriterConfiguration which gives you the capability to customize the iText PDFWriter. Here a sample which set PDF/A Conformance level :
org.apache.poi.xwpf.converter.pdf.PdfOptions options = new PdfOptions();
options.setConfiguration( new IPdfWriterConfiguration()
public void configure( PdfWriter writer )
writer.setPDFXConformance( PdfWriter.PDFA1A );
PdfConverter.getInstance().convert( document, out, options );
If you wish to use org.apache.poi.xwpf.converter.pdf.PdfOptions with IXDocReport#convert, you must use fr.opensagres.xdocreport.converter.Options#subOptions like this :
org.apache.poi.xwpf.converter.pdf.PdfOptions pdfOptions = ...
Options options = Options.getTo(ConverterTypeTo.PDF).via(ConverterTypeVia.XWPF).subOptions(pdfOptions);
IXDocReport report = ...
report.convert(context, options, out);
- draw/shape graphics are not converted.
- have some bugs with tab stop.
- table border should be improved.
- page number are not managed.