XDocReportSpringMVC - opensagres/xdocreport GitHub Wiki
Since 1.0.4, XDocReport provides a support for Spring MVC with the Spring MVC View org.springframework.web.servlet.view.xdocreport.XDocReportView to generate report with docx, odt and convert it to another format PDF/XHTML if you wish.
This support can be find in the project org.springframework.web.servlet.view.xdocreport.
You can find a basic webapp with XDocReport & Spring MVC in the reporting-webapp-springmvc project.
With this support you can write for instance a Spring controller like this :
@RequestMapping( "/download/docx" )
public String docxReport( ModelMap model )
Project project = new Project( "XDocReport" );
model.addAttribute( "project", project );
return "docxReport";
You can see this code in the MainController.java.
this method of the controller call a Spring bean with id "docxReport" that you can declare with org.springframework.web.servlet.view.xdocreport.XDocReportView like this :
<bean id="docxReport"
p:templateEngineId="Velocity" />
You can see this code in the xdocreport-views.xml.
@RequestMapping( "/download/pdf2" )
public String dynamicPdfReport( ModelMap model )
Project project = new Project( "XDocReport" );
model.addAttribute( "project", project );
model.addAttribute( Options.getTo( ConverterTypeTo.PDF ).via( ConverterTypeVia.XWPF ) );
return "docxReport";
package fr.opensagres.xdocreport.samples.reporting.springmvc.report;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.xdocreport.IXDocReportConfiguration;
import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.core.XDocReportException;
import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.IXDocReport;
import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.samples.reporting.springmvc.model.Developer;
import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template.formatter.FieldsMetadata;
public class DocxProjectWithVelocityListConfiguration
implements IXDocReportConfiguration
public void configure( IXDocReport report )
throws XDocReportException
FieldsMetadata metadata = report.createFieldsMetadata();
metadata.load( "developers", Developer.class, true );
And use DocxProjectWithVelocityListConfiguration like this :
<bean id="reportConfiguration"
class="fr.opensagres.xdocreport.samples.reporting.springmvc.report.DocxProjectWithVelocityListConfiguration" />
<bean id="docxReport"
p:templateEngineId="Velocity" >
<property name="configuration" ref="reportConfiguration" />
In some case, if you wish to modify some behaviour of XDocReportView you can extend it and override some methods.
For instance you can override XDocReportView#getContentDisposition to return an unique file name instead of using the given reportId :
package test;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.xdocreport.XDocReportView;
import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.converter.MimeMapping;
public class MyMyXDocReportView extends XDocReportView {
protected String getContentDisposition(String reportId,
MimeMapping mimeMapping, HttpServletRequest request) {
String uniqueReportId = reportId + System.currentTimeMillis();
return super.getContentDisposition(uniqueReportId, mimeMapping, request);
and use it in your bean like this :
<bean id="reportConfiguration"
class="fr.opensagres.xdocreport.samples.reporting.springmvc.report.DocxProjectWithVelocityListConfiguration" />
<bean id="docxReport"
p:templateEngineId="Velocity" >
<property name="configuration" ref="reportConfiguration" />