XDocReportSimpleAPI - opensagres/xdocreport GitHub Wiki

XDocReport 1.0.0 provides a new simple API to generate reporting with the helper fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.XDocReport class.

Report processes

Before explaining how to use this new API, you must understand the report process generation which is composed with 2 steps :

  • load of the report template.
  • generate report.

Load of the report template

To load a report template, XDocReport needs 3 datas :

  • the (docx, odt, etc) input stream. This data is required.
  • the template engine (Velocity, Freemarker). This data is required.
  • the fields metadata to manage for instance the lazy loop for table, the dynamic image etc. This data is not required.

Generate report

Once the report template is loaded you can generate the report by merging Java context values with the report template.

Simple API to generate report

Without cache

In this case the template report is every time loaded before the report generation. This mean is not good for performance.

Generate report

// the 3 data used to load template report
InputStream in = new FileInputStream( new File( "template.docx" ) );
String templateEngineKind = TemplateEngineKind.Freemarker.name();
FieldsMetadata metadata = null;

// the context used to merge value with the template report
Map<String, Object> contextMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
contextMap.put( "name", "world" );

// generate report
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream( new File( "report.docx" ) );
XDocReport.generateReport( in, templateEngineKind, metadata, contextMap, out );

NOTE: In this sample you must add the well docx JARs.

Generate report and convert it to PDF/XHTML

// the 3 data used to load template report
InputStream in = new FileInputStream( new File( "template.docx" ) );
String templateEngineKind = TemplateEngineKind.Freemarker.name();
FieldsMetadata metadata = null;

// the context used to merge value with the template report
Map<String, Object> contextMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
contextMap.put( "name", "world" );

// generate report and convert it to PDF
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream( new File( "report.pdf" ) );
Options options = Options.getTo(ConverterTypeTo.PDF);
XDocReport.generateReportAndConvert(  in, templateEngineKind, metadata, contextMap, options, out );

NOTE: In this sample you must add the well docx PDF converter JARs.

With cache

You can improve a lot the performance of the report generation by doing one time the load of the template report and cache it the report. To do that you can use

  • controller.
  • report loader.

With Controller

To use controller, you must create a class which implements the fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.dispatcher.IXDocReportController per template report.

Here a sample controller class :

package test;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;

import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.dispatcher.AbstractXDocReportController;
import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.dispatcher.IXDocReportController;
import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template.TemplateEngineKind;
import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template.formatter.FieldsMetadata;

public class ReportLoaderForOneReport
    extends AbstractXDocReportController

    public static final IXDocReportController INSTANCE = new ReportLoaderForOneReport();

    public ReportLoaderForOneReport()
        super( TemplateEngineKind.Freemarker, null );

    public InputStream getSourceStream()
        throws IOException
        return new FileInputStream( new File( "template.docx" ) );

    protected FieldsMetadata createFieldsMetadata()
        return null;


= Generate report =

Here a sample which uses the controller class to generate 2 reports :

// the 3 data used to load template report
String reportId = "MyReportId";
IXDocReportController controller = ReportLoaderForOneReport.INSTANCE;

// generate the first report : here the template report is loaded
Map<String, Object> context1Map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
context1Map.put( "name", "world" );
OutputStream out1 = new FileOutputStream( new File( "report.docx" ) );
XDocReport.generateReport( reportId, controller, context1Map, out1 );

// generate the second report : here the template report is already loaded, the report generation time is improved
Map<String, Object> context2Map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
context2Map.put( "name", "people" );
OutputStream out2 = new FileOutputStream( new File( "report2.docx" ) );
XDocReport.generateReport( reportId, controller, context2Map, out2 );

= Generate report and convert it to PDF/XHTML =

// the 3 data used to load template report
String reportId = "MyReportId";
IXDocReportController controller = ReportLoaderForOneReport.INSTANCE;

// PDF options
Options options = Options.getTo( ConverterTypeTo.PDF );

// generate the first report and convert it to PDF : here the template report is loaded
Map<String, Object> context1Map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
context1Map.put( "name", "world" );
OutputStream out1 = new FileOutputStream( new File( "report1.pdf" ) );            
XDocReport.generateReportAndConvert( reportId, controller, context1Map, options, out1 );

// generate the second report and convert it to PDF : 
// here the template report is already loaded, the report generation time is improved
Map<String, Object> context2Map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
context2Map.put( "name", "people" );
OutputStream out2 = new FileOutputStream( new File( "report2.docx" ) );
XDocReport.generateReportAndConvert( reportId, controller, context2Map, options, out2 );

With ReportLoader

To use report loader, you must create a class which implements the fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.dispatcher.IXDocReportLoader which can manage your whole template report.

Here a sample report loader class :

package test;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;

import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.dispatcher.IXDocReportLoader;
import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template.TemplateEngineKind;
import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template.formatter.FieldsMetadata;

public class ReportLoaderForAllReport
    implements IXDocReportLoader

    public static final IXDocReportLoader INSTANCE = new ReportLoaderForAllReport();

    public InputStream getSourceStream( String reportId )
        throws IOException
        if ( "MyReportId".equals( reportId ) )
            return new FileInputStream( new File( "template.docx" ) );
        // here manage other report
        return null;

    public String getTemplateEngineKind( String reportId )
        if ( "MyReportId".equals( reportId ) )
            return TemplateEngineKind.Freemarker.name();
        // here manage other report
        return null;

    public FieldsMetadata getFieldsMetadata( String reportId )
        if ( "MyReportId".equals( reportId ) )
            return null;
        // here manage other report
        return null;


= Generate report =

Here a sample which uses the report loader class to generate 2 reports :

// the 3 data used to load template report
String reportId = "MyReportId";
IXDocReportLoader reportLoader = ReportLoaderForAllReport.INSTANCE;

// generate the first report : here the template report is loaded
Map<String, Object> context1Map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
context1Map.put( "name", "world" );
OutputStream out1 = new FileOutputStream( new File( "report.docx" ) );
XDocReport.generateReport( reportId, reportLoader, context1Map, out1 );

// generate the second report : here the template report is already loaded, the report generation time is
// improved
Map<String, Object> context2Map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
context2Map.put( "name", "people" );
OutputStream out2 = new FileOutputStream( new File( "report2.docx" ) );
XDocReport.generateReport( reportId, reportLoader, context2Map, out2 );

= Generate report and convert it to PDF/XHTML =

// the 3 data used to load template report
String reportId = "MyReportId";
IXDocReportLoader reportLoader = ReportLoaderForAllReport.INSTANCE;

// PDF options
Options options = Options.getTo( ConverterTypeTo.PDF );

// generate the first report and convert it to PDF : here the template report is loaded
Map<String, Object> context1Map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
context1Map.put( "name", "world" );
OutputStream out1 = new FileOutputStream( new File( "report1.pdf" ) );
XDocReport.generateReportAndConvert( reportId, reportLoader, context1Map, options, out1 );

// generate the second report and convert it to PDF : here the template report is already loaded, the report
// generation time is improved
Map<String, Object> context2Map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
context2Map.put( "name", "people" );
OutputStream out2 = new FileOutputStream( new File( "report2.docx" ) );
XDocReport.generateReportAndConvert( reportId, reportLoader, context2Map, options, out2 );