ODTReportingJavaMainTextStyling - opensagres/xdocreport GitHub Wiki
Since XDocReport 0.9.3 provides text styling feature. You can see online demo at http://xdocreport.opensagres.cloudbees.net/textStyling.jsp?reportId=odt
XDocReport can replace an input field from odt report:
[by a value coming from Java context:
context.put("comments", "Text coming from Java context.");
to generate this report :
Since XDocReport 0.9.3, XDocReport provides the capability to style the text of the Java context with some syntax (HTML, Wiki, etc). For instance you can set text as italic and bold with HTML syntax like this :
context.put("comments", "<p><i>Text</i> coming from <b>Java context</b>.</p>");
and generate this report :
[## Text styling syntax
Text Styling uses a syntax to style the text from the Java context. XDocReport provides several syntax like :
- ODTReportingJavaMainHTMLTextStyling HTML syntax).
- Wiki syntax like Mediawiki, Google wiki.
But it's possible to implement your own syntax if you wish.