FieldsMetadataTemplate - opensagres/xdocreport GitHub Wiki
FieldsMetadata is used to manage lazy loop tables, images and text styling.
FieldsMetadata metadata = report.createFieldsMetadata();
metadata.addFieldAsImage("logo", "project.Logo");
@FieldMetadata gives you the capability to manage metadata with annotations:
- description
- syntax for text styling
Alternatively to
Users can easily configure threw fieldmetadata annotation :
@FieldMetadata(syntaxKind="Html", description="HTML Formatted long text")
public String getComment() {
return comment;
Imagine you have the Project Pojo :
public class Project {
private final String name;
public Project(String name) { = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
and you wish to display the name of the project with Html syntax.
// 1) Create FieldsMetadata
FieldsMetadata fieldsMetadata = report.createFieldsMetadata();
// 2) Set name as Html syntax
fieldsMetadata.addFieldAsTextStyling("project.Name", SyntaxKind.Html);
Add @FieldMetadata in the Pojo class
@FieldMetadata(syntaxKind="Html", description="HTML text")
public String getName() {
return name;
Load fields metadata to use information from the @FieldMetadata :
// 1) Create FieldsMetadata
FieldsMetadata fieldsMetadata = report.createFieldsMetadata();
// 2) Load fields metadata from Java Class
fieldsMetadata.load("project", Project.class);