Instructions to Build from Terminal - openrocket/openrocket GitHub Wiki

Building OpenRocket

  1. Install git
  2. Install JDK 17 (OpenJDK 17 is probably the most popular).
  3. Install Apache Ant and add to your PATH.
  4. Clone the git repository from github
  5. cd into the openrocket directory
  6. Initialize the component database submodule
  7. Type ant to build the project
sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jdk ant git 
mkdir -p ~/Code 
cd ~/Code 
git clone 
cd openrocket
git submodule init
git submodule update

As for Windows (using the scoop package manager):

scoop bucket add java
scoop install openjdk17 ant git
mkdir -p ~/Code 
cd ~/Code 
git clone 
cd openrocket
git submodule init
git submodule update

Used on Windows 10, not thoroughly tested but gets the app running.

The JAR file is created as swing/build/jar/OpenRocket.jar

Running OpenRocket

To start the software from the JAR file run:

$ java -jar swing/build/jar/OpenRocket.jar