May17 2016 - openpmix/openpmix GitHub Wiki

##PMIx Developers Meeting


May 17, 2016


Ralph, Gary, Josh, and Annu.


  • Event notification - need to fix a seg fault that was occurring when an event was deregistered.
  • How do we handle connect request between clients of different PMIx versions? This would require the PMIx server to do all the translations between the clients which can get too messy and complicated. Release 2.0 will contain the plugin manager, that allows the server to be backwards compatible i.e. work with clients of older versions. Making two clients of different versions talk gets a lot more complicated requiring the server mediation. The community has decided to not to support connect across clients of different versions for now.
  • How are collectives like fence handled when a client dies? The PMIx server completes all the pending collectives of the dying process in response to a unexpected socket close event.
  • timeout for fence operations in PMIx server - today we defer the timeout processing to RM, but there are could be cases where the fence is still pending at the PMIx server waiting on a local client in which case the PMIx server has to timeout the request because the request was not posted to the RM.
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