Building the Reference Implementation - openpmix/openpmix GitHub Wiki

Debugging vs. Optimized Builds

If you are building PMIx from a Git checkout, the default build includes a lot of debugging features. This happens automatically when when configure detects the hidden ".git" Git meta directory (that is present in all Git checkouts) in your source tree, and therefore activates a number of developer-only debugging features in the PMIx code base.

By definition, debugging builds will perform much slower than optimized builds of PMIx. You should NOT conduct timing tests or try to run production performance numbers with debugging builds.

If you wish to build an optimized version of PMIx from a developer's checkout, you have two main options:

  • Use a VPATH build. Simply build PMIx from a different directory than the source tree -- one where the .git subdirectory is not present. For example:
    shell$ git clone master shell$ cd master shell$ ./ shell$ mkdir build shell$ cd build shell$ ../configure ... [...lots of output...] shell$ make all install
  • Manually specify configure options to disable all the debugging options. You'll need to carefully examine the output of "./configure --help" to see which options to disable. They are all listed, but some are less obvious than others (they are not listed here because it is a changing set of flags; by Murphy's Law, listing them here will pretty much guarantee that this file will get out of date):
    shell$ ./configure --disable-debug ... [...lots of output...] shell$ make all install
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