5Apr2017 - openpmix/openpmix GitHub Wiki

PMIx OpenMP/MPI/RM Working Group


Apr 5, 2017


Ralph Castain, Intel.
Aurelien Bouteiller, UTK
Josh Hursey, IBM
Howard Pritchard, LANL (several others - my apologies for missing the names)


This was a very limited meeting due to a problem with the telecon reservation, resulting in limited participation. Primary focus was on identifying trial applications and coordinating next steps.

Howard proposed the SNAP mini-application. Received a follow-on note that he is able to build it against Open MPI.

Alexandre missed the meeting, but we noted that we could proceed with sample applications once Ralph finishes the PMIx extensions and adds them to Open MPI - we can just have the application itself "publish" the OpenMP side of the exchange for now.

Completed actions

  1. Howard agreed to also look for something suitable [DONE]

Pending actions

  1. Geoffroy to arrange meeting with SNL "RM" project to discuss possible collaboration on APIs for coordinating their "worker pool" of threads
  2. Ralph will create a PMIx branch and begin updating it per the RFC
  3. Alexandre offered to create a branch and update the OpenMP runtime to support the RFC
  4. Aurelien volunteered to send a link to a suggested prototype application

New actions

  1. Everyone will review the RFC and provide comments!
  2. Ralph will continue working on the document to reflect the discussion, provided comments
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