Oms API GET service disk use - openmpp/ GitHub Wiki
GET disk space usage info.
This method return disk use state: summary of disk use and list of model database files size.
GET /api/service/disk-use
Call examples:
JSON response body: Response body is JSON of following Go structure
IsDiskUse bool // if true then storage usage control enabled
DiskUse { // storage space use state
IsOver bool // if true then storage use reach the limit
DiskScanMs int64 // timeout in msec, sleep interval between scanning storage
Limit int64 // bytes, this instance storage limit
AllLimit int64 // bytes, total storage limit for all oms instances
AllSize int64 // all oms instances size
TotalSize int64 // total size: models/bin size + download + upload
BinSize int64 // total models/bin size
DbSize int64 // total size of all db files
DownSize int64 // download total size
UpSize int64 // upload total size
UpdateTs int64 // info update time (unix milliseconds)
DbDiskUse [ // model db file disk usage
Digest string // model digest
Size int64 // bytes, if non zero then model database file size
ModTs int64 // db file mod time info update time (unix milliseconds)
"IsDiskUse": true,
"DiskUse": {
"IsOver": false,
"DiskScanMs": 11000,
"Limit": 12884901888,
"AllLimit": 85899345920,
"AllSize": 11401120043,
"TotalSize": 11401120043,
"BinSize": 11363374338,
"DbSize": 11277418496,
"DownSize": 13977232,
"UpSize": 23768473,
"UpdateTs": 1707275824187
"DbDiskUse": [{
"Digest": "4114671ac687e8164f43e6f90ec14d65",
"Size": 11150643200,
"ModTs": 1701845412131
}, {
"Digest": "d90e1e9a49a06d972ecf1d50e684c62b",
"Size": 872448,
"ModTs": 1707196254975
}, {
"Digest": "_201208171604590148_",
"Size": 125902848,
"ModTs": 1707143875935