2016 December Roadmap Task List - openmpp/openmpp.github.io GitHub Wiki
Their is no fixed order in the list below, it can be implemented as required by other project or OpenM++ users.
Currently any model exception is a hard failure and result in model shutdown. It may be right things to do in most situations but can be soften
for some simulation errors. If special SimulationException
thrown by model it should only abort current model run (or even current subsample only)
and allow to proceed with next run from modeling task (or next subsample).
Currently fixed (or model generated or derived) model parameters not saved in database and completely hidden from model user. It is a good feature of openM++ in terms of data security, but may not be always necessary. It would be nice to have special openM++ language clause which model developer can use to control when fixed (or model generated or derived) parameter completely hidden or written in database as "output read-only parameter".
Currently all output tables written in database as result of model run, which may be unnecessary if user doing parameter estimation and interested only in one or small subset of output tables. It would be nice to have an ability to specify which output tables needs to be written in database.