Web Conference 2022.11.01 Curb - openmobilityfoundation/curb-data-specification GitHub Wiki

Web Conference - Curb Working Group

  • Every other week Tuesday call at 9am PT, 12pm ET, 5/6pm CET

Conference Call Info

Meeting ID: 898 5980 7668 - Passcode 320307

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,89859807668#,,,,*320307# US (New York)

Dial by phone: +1 929 436 2866 (US) (Find your local number)


Main Topics

Querying spatially, validating your implementations, technical learnings, USDOT SMART grant w/ DC DDOT

  1. Welcome - Jacob Larson, City of Omaha, Parking and Mobility
  2. Technical learnings - SDOT and Populus Curb Cohort
  3. Querying spatial data - Omaha and Lacuna
  4. Validating your CDS implementation - Open API - Passport
  5. USDOT WZDx - CDS will get added in 4.2 at end of November
  6. USDOT SMART grant cohort - member support - OMF


  • Hosts: Jacob Larson, City of Omaha, Parking and Mobility
  • Note Taker: Kenya Wheeler, SFMTA
  • Facilitator: Jacob Larson, City of Omaha, Parking and Mobility
  • Outreach: Michael Schnuerle, OMF



  1. Introduction: Jacob and Michael opened the meeting.
  2. Upcoming events: Co-Motion LA conference 11/15-11/17; AGH gave overview of three OMF-sponsored panels; OMF hybrid board meeting will take place at Co-Motion LA on 11/15.
  3. Omaha and WZDX; JL noted in WZDX 4.2; references from CDS or WZDX can include a curb zone ID; closed work zone affecting a curb zone; single URL link to curb data source, curb data source will have array of effective curb IDs. WZDX moving to ITE, renamed “Connected Work Zones”
  4. Seattle and Populus: 90K sign records, goal to translate into CDS API; currently stored in non-uniform text field challenging to manage and convert to CDS. KEYs: start with policies first before signs, then assign policies to space; will keep a separate CDS-compliant sign conditions database.
  5. JL and Eric (Lacuna) Omaha Database – hosted Postgres in AWS; Geospaatial data operations are expensive; best practice: push geospatial processing to database layer (faster, less code maintenance); PostGIS extension is useful to translate between Postgres and ArcGIS. JL: new “curb_zone_geometry" field added for loading curb coordinates; can work with other DBs like Mongo (didn’t catch spelling?)
  6. Validating CDS Implementation: Michael (passport) OpenAPI: file format to share technical info, consumable by machines. Useful for publishers of an API (municipalities & vendors). API = like a technical contract, when it works both sides know what data needs to be requested and passed back. OpenAPI automates the validation process to ensure the API is working. Stoplight.io: visualization website that we are using; using Stoplight.io - allows static testing of CDS API structure, even before CDS API is created. / Question: structuring files . Stoplight is a SAS tool, and CDS Curbs API has been tested, Events and Metrics APIs next. There are similar tools that others exist.
  7. OMF and US DOT SMART Grant: poll results: 61% of attendees are involved in applying for a grant (public agencies) or supporting a grant application (private sector firms); OMF provided text for OMF member cities that are part of a collaborative Cohort including language on how CDS supports their applications; OMF Blog post contains additional resources for SMART grant applicants.
