Vocabs - opengeospatial/Geotech GitHub Wiki

Semantics for geotech

Controled vocabularies are a key component of interoperability to ensure each terms are non ambiguous.

In geotechnics, multiple controlled vocabularies can be set. This includes:

  • Procedure: this is to indicate a particular method or technic that have been applied to get a result,
  • Observable Property: this is to indicate which parameter was measured or observed,
  • Units of measurements: this is to characterize the (generally numerical) value that come with the result.


Several registries already exist and may help you to describe the test you made.

BRGM GeoScience Linked Data Registry


Codelist for Methods, as described in ObservingProcedure: https://data.geoscience.fr/ncl/Proc?lang=en

Codelist for Observable Properties, as described in ObservableProperties: https://data.geoscience.fr/ncl/ObsProp?lang=en

GeoScience EU Registry


DIGGS Dictionaries/Schemas

Observation Procedures: For DIGGS measurements (observations with numerical results), procedures are defined in the XML schema as concrete objects (XML elements of complex type) that derive, ultimately from gml:AbstractGMLType. These objects are defined in the following schema file: https://www.diggsml.org/schemas/2.5.a/Geotechnical.xsd.

For DIGGS observations (category-based results), the observing procedure can be described using a Specification object for the entire ObservationSystem (a collection of observations of the same class), although this does not require a controlled term, or by using the howDetermined attribute of an individual Observation (see: https://diggsml.github.io/index.html#DescriptorMethodEnumType).

Observed Properties: For DIGGS measurements (observations with numerical results), observed properties are defined in an XML dictionary file: https://www.diggsml.org/dictionaries/DIGGSTestPropertyDefinitions.xml

For DIGGS observations (category-based results), observed properties are hard-coded XML elements, dependent on the class of observation. These can be found in the following schema file: https://www.diggsml.org/schemas/2.5.a/Kernel.xsd.

Units of Measurement: All DIGGS elements of measure type (consisting of a numerical value plus a unit of measure) use units symbology defined in the Energistics Units of Measurement dictionary described here: https://www.energistics.org/energistics-unit-of-measure-standard.

AGS Codelist